
Well-known member
"what the Roman grammarians designated by the colourless term modus was for the Greeks enklisis, inclination to the side."
"The words ptosis and enklisis mean falling, tipping, inclining. This implies a deviation from standing upright and straight. But this erect standing-there, coming-up, coming to stand and enduring is what the Greeks understood by being."


Tristam Shandy-
Transmit shady. Distant marshy. Data hymns stir. Satan rids myth. Hand may'st stir. Artsy hand smit. Tiny mast shard. Hardy man's tits. Said "start hymn".


i obviously have tons of thoughts on: 'catastrophe as orginary for civilisation'; 'Genesis 2 not primal to mankind or even civilisation but recording at least an early world ending/worldview exhausting rupture within the providing enclosure (Gan Eden) that civilisation was supposed to be (basically because of ecological indecency)'; 'mechanisation having already taken command at Çatalhöyuk (Cattle Hook; Chattel Who Look)'; 'the Chosen People's secret identity with Cain, Canaan, the slain Egyptians of Exodus, the slaves who built the Temple and the people of the land who resisted Ezra'
but theyre not organised yet and i gotta go back to work : (


Well-known member
violent catacyclmic end

accicendent reversal the same scene again and again

do you see it reconstructed

the impact site the blast radius

Gysin came up with a theory that white people are a product of a nuclear explosion in the Gobi desert 30,000 years ago. The explosion destroyed the society that produced it and left behind a bunch of radiated albinos who sheltered in caves and contracted a virus/parasite Freud later identified as the unconscious.


Well-known member
cant find a source for this! if u made it up thats brill

Burroughs talks about it in Exterminator!



Well-known member
A word exists for the collective trauma of all life to have lived on Earth - all its pain, all its monstrous horrors, getting eaten alive, bleeding out during childbirth - but I can’t remember it

'Geotrauma' again, isn't it?

The theory of trauma was a crypto-geological hybrid from the very start. Darwin and the geologists had already established that the entire surface of the earth and everything that crawls upon it is a living fossil record, a memory bank rigorously laid down over unimaginable aeons and sealed against introspection; churned and reprocessed through its own material, but a horrifying read when the encryption is broken, its tales would unfold in parallel with Freud’s, like two intertwining themes of humiliation.

But the tower is inevitably liquefied. All this is in the tarot card. Imo it's the best tarot card the most insightful and philosophical

It's lightning striking the tower on the card, holy lightning. That's what Blicero's trying to harness with the V-2. The Tower made weapon to strike back at God.


Lightning is the enlightening shard of Another World (nature) puncturing the rational system/ structure you have erected to handle and tame nature.


The raft of medusa on the sea. Nietzsche takes this point of departure from Schopenhauer and derives his Apollonian light vs Dionysian


The waves are chaos the void protean fluidity nature in all its complexity.

Structure is the wooden matrix lashed together with strips of hide to surf the waves.


This is where Andy Clark the cognitive scientist philosopher picks up with Surfing Uncertainty. An ocean of complexity we anticipate and stay ahead of and stay balanced on by means of a supportive structure. Our interpretive schemas. We build a structure of understanding through a history of experience and keep ourselves afloat with it


The tower and the chasm merely reiterate this

As the vortex charybdis sucks you down undersea and drowns you (or in Moby Dick, the great whale) so will gravity pull you into the abyss

Icarus plunges from such great heights


Gravity is time. The sagging pull into wrinkles and death. All things to death. All structure back to dust. In our end is our beginning.


The Tower is what gives us apollonian heights the wisdom of perspective and greater vantage

Books and writing are aligned with the tower not only because they are complex forms of built structure. But because they allow us to span and see across great chasms of time.

Language a la Babel is similar except the emphasis is on spacial expanse (sharing of relatively time synchronous perspectives)