your boomer canon


makes this board's tack against indie make more sense than it already did. seeing primal scream stone roses the soup dragons and ride on that lineup.

strange times indeed
Only time I saw Meatloaf was Reading Festival 1988 - he was on mid afternoon
on the Saturday and got the full treatment! Result - exit one bruised
ego, nursing a broken nose. I can't say he deserved to get a bottle right
in the face, but he came on all 'Mega star' and that sort of thing didn't
go down well with a Reading festival crowd back in those days....

I remember this very well and I used to have the review of the festival
in 'Raw' magazine (a very short lived UK rival to 'Kerrang' which was
financed by Jonathan King back in the day before his paedo convictions).

Bonnie did indeed stick it out and apparently turned the air blue in the process,
yelling at the 'fuckers' who were throwing urine-filled bottles at her.
By the end of her set, she had grudging respect from most factions of
the crowd to the extent that she actually got them to sing along to 'It's
a Heartache'.

Meat walked off during the opening number (a cover of 'Summertime Blues'),
came back and did a few more songs then walked off again in a hail of
bottles. He then came back and in a hasty revision of the set list played
'Bat Out Of Hell ...' which stemmed the tide totally, then started off
'All Revved Up...', got hit square on the nose with a bottle, gave the
crowd the finger and walked off never to return.


paul simon - graceland
Graceland and one-offs how do they perform so far above

One-hit one-track wonders are easy to understand, the chance discovery of a great melody + riding the zeitgeist

But one-album wonders that’s very different, usually there is a solid career around them but for one album they capture lightning in a bottle