Craner's Think Tank connections.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Bugger, sorry. :eek:

What am I going to do about the director of Tetley's? My freezer isn't big enough for him and he's starting to get a bit whiffy to be honest, despite the cold. I could see if there's room in the garden for him next to that InBev big's your garden, Scott?


Beast of Burden
Now I get paid to infiltrate schools and disseminate pro-Zionist propaganda, like the Diary of Anne Frank.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Some guy actually did come to my high school and disseminate Zionist propaganda once. I wasn't the most political teenager in the world but I rememer thinking "Hey, this is a bit off..." at the time.


rip this joint please
Craner wants to get where the real money is and that is why i suggest to you, Oliver, you shill for Islamists.

that's where the real beads are these days in UK officialdom circles, none of these happy-clappy Anne Frank nonsense.