Nothing To Hide [was Excellent New 9/11 Video]


Beast of Burden
Dissensus is where I parade my personality but the older I get the more I want to purge all personality from my other writing it starts to feel like the most pressing thing. Purge purge

You have to be very careful with that kind of thing (the personality, but also the purging). It's easier being unread and unsuccessful to keep this stuff out. I think success and attention seduces people into thinking that their opinion is really important which is when the grandstanding and bloviating truly begins (although it is just hugely comical when, like in my case, you do this without being read or successful, literally addressing imaginary audiences in your head). People like Hari and Jones (and Hitchens to an extent) are cautionary tales, apart from the fact that they were very successful writers, of course, which is probably quite a nice thing to be.


Well-known member
I remember in the blog days at the tail end of it petering out I looked at cathys blog and though oh FFS why hadn't I done that. Kept it clean and free of I think look at me. Just a total disgust and embaressment with what I'd done


Well-known member
Yeah but you can start to feel laden down with a big bag of shit when you've said 'I' so many times. Like, I don't want to be that I any more I want to sever ties


Well-known member
Like do I have to drag this behind me everywhere I go. That's what you start thinking