Where have the UFOs gone?


mr. great
in response to the responses of my response:

i was more or less stating that these things exist, at the very least, during non-drug enduced mass hallucinations, which means that they are by all means real.

i dont know what they are, and maybe they exist in some Jungian projection of the self or whatever, but these cannot be dismissed as "people who see these are crazy"


Well-known member
Die Kreigen Scheiden

Not sure where the UFO's went ,
but ala Parsons earlier mention of German scientists (brought over and put to work after that war) and History Channel;
Caught part of some show the other night in a section about this 'Flytrap' structure in Germany from before the end of WW2.
Below it was some kind of powerplant , seemed to connect to the above ground flytrap structure.
Supposed to be this Anti Gravity machine the Germans experimented with
and called ... 'Die Kriegen Scheiden' (The War .... ? and no , not a DAF song ! close ...).
Very much reminding one of the opening sequence of Hellboy with the Germans 'experimenting' this time with time- space until interrupted ...

The shape of the 'flytrap' does look as if a flying saucer would fit right into it.
And so it appears some or a few of these cats who made it were then brought over to US after the war and then they helped make rockets and who knows what else
right ?


The structure is built on top of a disused mine - the Wenceslas mine, it's in Poland. It looks like Stonehenge - if it was built in the 60s by a British local council:


What's really weird is that on a nearby hill is a power station, that was used ONLY to power whatever the Wenceslas facility was. In the mine was a lab facility which was dismantled by the US at the end of WW2.

The Nazi's interest in flying saucers was pretty insane. They had a secret group of pseudoscientists and mediums known as the Vril Society working on contacting aliens to learn their technological secrets, the whole idea for setting up this society was all based on an old science fiction book! It's likely whatever was going on at the Wenceslas mine was connected to all this.

Good documentary from Channel 4 in the UK linking foo fighters and the Wenceslas mine to Area 51 and saucers in the US:



Himmler was the guy, he believed the ss were a knightly order going back to the aryan warrior caste, based all the insignia on norse runes, (the swastika is the symbol of thor for instance) with a guy called karl maria wiligut who also introduced a racist germanic myth system called irminism, into the nazi ideology, a kind of wotanisim and claimed the bible was originally german etc, he also had a history of schizophrenia.

himmler had a group of people called the ahnenerbe too who researched germanic traditions and looked for links and evidence to suggest the Nazis were right, this included going to tibet and searching for the holy grail too.


Well-known member
Thanks for filling and correcting Matt , I only saw some frag that night on Cable.
Aaah, yes the Tibetans.
The 'Tibetan' was one of the cats down in the bunker with AH went it went down, no?

Docu's (again, nightly on Cable) portray the rather silly expeditions to Tibet to measure skulls of dusty Tibetan plain nomads who are looking like 'Wtf' are you white people thinking.
The Nazi's got wind of the ol' mysterious Great White Brotherhood (white , er symbolizing 'good' magic) from Mu and went looking for the Thirteenth School made up of the Elders out there in ol' Shamballa.

Busy cats in boots those Nazi's, busy busy searching for connections to use as propaganda (calls to mind another current erm, US regime).
Ruined the use of the Swastika, previously a fine image used for ages as symbol of the pre -Buddhist belief system Bon, still seen throughout Asia .
Reversed it , thereby reversing 'time itself' or some ... such ... belief


Ruined the use of the Swastika, previously a fine image used for ages as symbol of the pre -Buddhist belief system Bon, still seen throughout Asia .
Reversed it , thereby reversing 'time itself' or some ... such ... belief

is'nt it just the rune for thor, the norse god of thunder, alot of the other symbols are runes too such as the ss symbol etc which is a sig rune, lots of nazi groups use them to express their heritage or whatever they think.


Well-known member
Well, hey maybe it's both.
The swastika is/was definitely the symbol for Bon, which was the majority belief system through Tibet until Buddhism came through from India
(Bon via the Sogdians in old Iran via the Silk Road , nature based worship , not unlike what's called Shinto in Japan tho' they twisted it for themselves before and during WW2 and they have naturalistic ritual holidays they still call their 'Bon' holidays though I have never found a Japanese to admit equating the two).
Buddhism co opted Bon into it and was in turn influenced by it.

Didn't know the Thor connection, that's interesting 'cuz as far as I know,
connections between the old Iranian - Sogdians and the Norse well, were maybe thin or possibly trade based ?
Shall we delve into that one mms ...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The swastika is an almost universal symbol found in a huge variety of ancient cultures, notably Indo-European cultures (including, amongst others, ancient (and present-day) Hindu - as well as Buddhist and Jain - culture, Greeks, Romans and various Germanic/Nordic peoples) and ancient China, while similar symbols have even been found in Native American art and elsewhere. It also occurs in both clockwise and anti-clockwise forms, so talk of the Nazis 'reversing' it are a bit off the mark - possibly inspired by the idea of Satanists venerating an inverted cross?
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Well-known member
This makes sense of course ,
the old stories ( be it the christ like figure, the great flood, babies found floating in water, etc.) tend to run into each other.
And yes, the reversing the swastika was what the Bon actually did , was off a bit there .
It's one way to tell them apart from the Buddhists
Well ancient yes, but was not on the scene then !

Reading through other threads on Diss today, some confluence between the UFO's thread and the J B Obit thread (Nazis , rockets , der Kerigen Schieden)

Let's keep it popping


The swastika is an almost universal symbol found in a huge variety of ancient cultures, notably Indo-European cultures (including, amongst others, ancient (and present-day) Hindu culture, Greeks, Romans and various Germanic/Nordic peoples) and ancient China, while similar symbols have even been found in Native American art and elsewhere. It also occurs in both clockwise and anti-clockwise forms, so talk of the Nazis 'reversing' it are a bit off the mark - possibly inspired by the idea of Satanists venerating an inverted cross?

well the thing about the reversing is off the mark for a number of reasons i've already said, the nazi's used a number of runic symbols as identifiers of different groups, it specifically comes from a germanic, northern background, as that what the nazi's needed to prove their historical superiority and later an attachment to the aryan warrior tribes. Nazi groups still use version of runes today for the same reasons.

here are a few here