Seefeel - will I like them?


fractured oscillations
I had to look into Seefeel after reading this thread a couple months ago, anything described as "MBV meets the Cocteau Twins meets Aphex Twin" is going to get my attention. Yeah... pretty much sums them up, but I'm really into it, natch. Actually kind of surprised I hadn't been a fan of them already, or bothered to check out much other early British post-rock yet, considering my love of all things shoe-gazey (or post-shoe-gazey) and psych/electronic crossover. Are there many other bands from that time that went into this territory? (already into Stereolab, Bark Psychosis, )

I liked their (Curve's) first single 'Ten Little Girs' because I thought it pointed towards a future type of dance music based on MBVs 'Soon'.

Man, I'm still waiting for that type of dance music to happen.
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