the symbolic meaning (or lack of ) in aesthetics


Well-known member
I play guitar but know nothing about music theory etc... however, I good friend of mine is a classical pianist, composer, MD, and knows his shit.... I once watched a Bernstein lecture with him... It was about how music has very much primal/linguistic roots, he mentioned how a babys first words are usually MaaaaMaaaa, or Daaaaadaaaa, and that it allways has that tonal structure, but how when kids tease each other ( nur nur na nur nurrr ) its a limbo of resolved/ unresolved.... Im doing an awful job of explaining this.... but the point is that primal sounds and communication... language/ linguistics and music emotivity etc etc are all very much linked..

Maybe if your really interested, mail me and I could ask my mate the lecture title, im sure its on dvd..


it's the lectures at harvard. and it is on dvd. buy the book., it's cheaper.