
Tight but Polite
Martyn is technosoul. I don't know what it is that makes some people think Detroit style stuff is "clean." To me it's rough as fuck.

I'd agree that a lot of 2562's tunes are more on the clinical Berlin end of it all though.
I'm not sure it's about clinical production so much as a fairly tightly constrained soundworld - not to the same extent as the jumpup crew, obviously, but when I saw him spin I was very seldom caught off guard or confused or surprised by what the next tune sounded like...


Joe Nice just dropped the Kulture refix of Erykah Badu's Tyrone. Grievous is going to need new underwear when he hears this one...


Ghosts of my life
Btw can anyone re-up the Blackdown and Dusk show from last Thursday? Rinse site being unbelievably slow this evening.


New member
I guess I'm one of these refugees, although I'd pretty much just lurk and download mixes ect. Have been lurking here for a while too I guess and came to this thread thinking there would be some interesting discussion.... which there has been...

For me what I loved about dubstep originally was how experimental and forward thinking it was. I could listen to a record, even from a established producer, and have no idea what I was about to hear...

I know people listen to music for different reasons though and some just want to go to a club and rock out or whatever...

I think these are inevitable growing pains really, as the scene has grown internationally many people coming into the scene but also producers and long term listeners now have a much more fixed idea of what dubstep 'is.' and for me that goes against why I liked the genre in the first place...

When I first started listening to dubstep (around the time grime 1 & 2 came out) none of my friends were into and now many of them regularly go to dubstep nights and love the music, but to a lot of them dubstep IS half-step wobble... I have no problem with wobble or any other sound but the problem is, like someone else said, the scene reflecting back on itself and saying this is what dubstep is... for me wobble or anything else is good as long as its not following a formula... maybe that's inevitable and what I have a problem with is genres themselves but can there be a scene without a genre? Maybe its because I'm a listener and producer first and a raver second.

It makes me sad now when I get the juno dubstep realises in my email and can't even get through the whole list because I know what's coming, this happened to me with drum and bass and its the worst kind of deja vu...


you lot are still talking in production micro divisions, which was the problem with dubstep forum in the first place.


bandz ahoy
I actually had a dream last night about the wobble/deep divide in dubstep.


Perhaps its time I caved my skull in with the corner of a wall?

Maybes I'll save the suicide for when I have a wet dream about Mala touching my shoulder with one of his dreadlocks.


not sure what you mean here, go on...
most of the duscussion here on this thread has been this style of production over that style of production and the other style of production and all those different styles meaning dubstep
good and bad, it's like dubstep is football and producers are teams. It's a symptom of having dubstep forum so that everyone has an opinion about everything and there is no mystery no suprise or spontanety. Even new producers aren't new as you can hear their tracks and meet and greet on dubstep forum, not even dubs are new as they're named all the time. It would be good to stop thinking like that and just make dubstep and do dubstep now. Bring back some fucking excitement, some artist lead decisions and not audience focussed decisions.
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i'm so out of touch with dubstep these days, i don't recognise any of those tunes in BunZero's 3rd birthday mix. Any got it yet? is it worth downloading?