global financial crash yay!


Well-known member
apologies if i missed this version of this debt jubilee narrative in this very long thread. - i know it’s very simple, but so am i.

once upon a time the system was trying to juggle a rubber ball and a faberge egg. the system didn’t want to drop either of them because things were going along very nicely. The problem was that although the rubber ball always bounced back after being crashed, no one knew what would happen if you dropped the faberge egg. So they continued juggling in the knowledge that probably if they dropped both the balls they could probably get science to fix the cracked egg, even if it meant by then the holocost of the ‘other’ half of the planet. But some naughty people decided to try and get popular and teach people what the original definition of charity is. They knew that because of the instability of the derivative market, you could tickle the system to drop just the rubber ball. They did this by persuading a small group (with popular support) too individually send letters of intent to default on thier morgages simultaneously, informing the creditors to collect the money from the government... because they intended to send their repayments there to pay for looking after the faberge egg. luckily because china has just taken out the largest loan ever, it would impact not just europe and the states but the whole world. and they all lived happilyish ever after.
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Well-known member
No idea what you're getting at.

ok this person has got better comms. i’m far too fluid to make sense in the concrete way.

old vids from people on the recent london movement make reference to this. joining the dots.
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in je ogen waait de wind
it's not in the uk? gas prices are mad here and food and drinks are going up as well. but maybe you guys got lucky cos brexit made you guys an independent bulletproof nation


in je ogen waait de wind
there's this store here called the 1 EURO STORE, and basically their entire marketing has revolved around the fact that all their products are exactly 1 euro, no exception. then last week i drove past and they put posters on the windows with a handwritten notice saying everything costs 1,10 euro now. it's still called the 1 EURO STORE though


Well-known member
Petrol is really high, fuel cap is keeping us relatively safe from energy inflation until April though

it's not in the uk? gas prices are mad here and food and drinks are going up as well. but maybe you guys got lucky cos brexit made you guys an independent bulletproof nation


Well-known member
I did the big shop last week and noticed that the price of posh oven chips had gone up dramatically. This week i went to Aldi instead


Of course Johnson just announced that his government had reduced the cost of living.

I think now he senses that the end is near, Johnson has decided there is no point in telling tiny lies that look right and almost are right if you do the odd fudge here or there and double-count a few things... he's going for full on whoppers of the kind where you wait until inflation is so high that it's in the news and then you blithely announced that you've reduced it.


Well-known member
the financial markets have had a huge boost from pandemic-related stimulus money: checks to citizens, extended unemployment payments, subsidies to businesses, the boom in Pharma. that sugar high is running out, can't imagine the government will be doing another round of that any time soon. couple all that with supply chain screw ups goosing inflation.

I don't think it'll be a bust, but there will probably be a correction.
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Of course Johnson just announced that his government had reduced the cost of living.

I think now he senses that the end is near, Johnson has decided there is no point in telling tiny lies that look right and almost are right if you do the odd fudge here or there and double-count a few things... he's going for full on whoppers of the kind where you wait until inflation is so high that it's in the news and then you blithely announced that you've reduced it.
Going full Trump, in other words.