baltimore club


plywood violin
we had Scottie B from Unruly records (THE b-more label) at Pure Fire last night and in addition to severly slaying it w/ all manner of B-more (including a sick A Milli remix), he was feeling the grime we were dropping hardcore... Xtra by Ruff Sqwad killed him! grime/b-more crossover....


Honky Tonk Woman
Just saw K-Swift play at Artscape Saturday and missed her by a couple hours on Friday. Can't believe she is gone. Terrible loss for Baltimore. Her radio shows were the premier outlet for this music.


Sweet Virginia
that kw griff mix is such a great great set, has anyone got any more by him? I haven't stopped listening to it since I got it originally.


babylon sister
That KW Griff track "Your Hood" on the Rod Lee mix is something.

Horns remind me of some of the best funky, synth reminds me of hyphy.

Good shit. We need hyphy house to exist.


Darned cockwombles.

Listening to some prime B-more, inspired by the juke thread.

Rod Lee of course:

(oh yeah...why wasn't this big on the back of The Wire??)

Lots of Tittsworth ('Brains' is brilliant skewed hip-hop, and didn't he do a great Geto Boys remix?....hey, I must have that here somewhere...).

And also a great compilation out called Queens of Baltimore Club, if I recall...

There was a brilliant series of articles in one of the Baltimore papers a while back (available online) that joined the lines between all of this stuff...aaargh, gonna have to set up my old computer to find it in the favourites directory...

Edit: Nice stuff here.... - really can't argue with this either.
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Anyone know what the dance they are doing in this video is???

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Also, had no idea they are into Night Slugs tracks out there.