
"I like that joke too. I think it works better when he's asking for an icecream, though."
I always said it with a burger - and then the extra punchline is when he asks for change and the burger man says "change must come from within".


Well-known member


she needs this cat


Darned cockwombles.
Friend of mine was telling me last night about two friends of hers who went out on a date. The guy decided that the Holocaust Museum would be a good, failsafe option for a first date. And then proceeded to take it upon himself to explain to his date what the Holocaust was. She was not amused.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
you ever tried it Tea, Baboon? - Is it a good herb?

It's okay, a mild stimulant, no great shakes (figuratively or literally!) - thing is, it's meant to be used 'socially' but while using it you have a mouthful of semi-masticated leaves, so all you can really do is sit there and chomp in companionable silence.

That said, if you want to get some writing done and fancy an alternative to coffee, it's probably worth checking out just to see what it's like. Internet cafes run by Somalis (i.e. most internet cafes IME) are a good place to ask. I didn't find it tasted too terrible. Oh, and it's pronounced "chat", not "cat".
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Well-known member
i find its conducive to lots of conversation. khat is a subject that crops up on dissensus on a failry regular basis. sufi one of the modrators was an international khat smuggler for a while and as a result is th dissensus authority on the subject. i used to chew it when i worked nights at the carpark with my somalian mate there.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I know who sufi is, you big silly.

I guess you can talk between wodges of leaves but I found each wodge needed quite a lot of chewing. I've only tried it a couple of times though. I bought some coca teabags recently, you can chew them (well, pack them in your cheek and sort of suck on them) and get an numb mouth and pretend to be an Inca. Or something.

not tried khat. sounds way too addictive, and i have an addictive personality.

This is true. I met Baboon once and I can't get enough of him.
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