teachers to be thought police, err counter terrorism

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
and the colour of the chains in the background have been modified. how are the kids supposed to learn?????

You have to agree though, it's pretty fucking daft. As if some kid's going to start smoking because of a long-dead Victorian engineer.

matt b

Indexing all opinion
You have to agree though, it's pretty fucking daft. As if some kid's going to start smoking because of a long-dead Victorian engineer.

maybe some idiot would see brunel as a role model and take to smoking and the wearing of top hats. clarkson likes him and he smokes. FACT!
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matt b

Indexing all opinion
if that's the worst case of daft bollocks, then education is in rude health.
they might even get rid of pointless tests next

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
OK, so on a scale of daftness, it doesn't rank that high in the grand scheme of things - it just struck me as the sort of thing that has turned political correctness from what was originally a pretty good idea, almost a sort of moral common sense, into the byword for hysterically pedantic doublethink it's become today.

Scrapping the SATs is great, though.

Edit: can't see Clarkson really carrying off the top hat look, fortunately.

matt b

Indexing all opinion
it just struck me as the sort of thing that has turned political correctness from what was originally a pretty good idea, almost a sort of moral common sense, into the byword for hysterically pedantic doublethink it's become today.



Brain Gym

On my PGCE we were taken to a school that claimed to have built its entire curriculum around this. A few minutes spent independently questioning the pupils revealed that this was an utter fabrication.

btw brain-gym wise, there has been an interesting recent development, with claims that training working memory leads to more general improvements, both in memory and reasoning - giving us a brain gym that may actually work:


I don't think scrapping the SATs was a good idea - Years 7 to 9 felt utterly aimless to me when I was at school (pre-SATs). Better that Year 9 SATs are upgraded to near the status of GCSEs and AS-Levels are scrapped (or that GCSEs are brought forward a year and A-Levels expanded). Teacher assessment is too unreliable - there need to be other measures in place (and these measures need to be public, for the purposes of accountability).
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Wow, that's completely nuts. Is he basically saying that we should lock up anyone who is Iraqi or Afghan because we are at war with them? Or in other words, they had the temerity to be from a country the UK happened to attack.

"Forty per cent of British Muslims say they want to live under sharia law. That is unacceptable. They should go to a country with sharia law."
Yeah, it's totally unacceptable to want something to be different from how it is.