Unfortunate names


procrastination expert
Pre WC (obviously). Pub manager 'Fabio Capello' tells all his bar staff to change their names to Wayne Rooney

Barmaid Kate Hyett, 24, who is now legally named Wayne Rooney said: "I don't mind being called Rooney but my boyfriend isn't too happy with the name change to say the least.

On the subject of unfortunate Manchester Waynes, there's a reporter at the MEN called Wayne Ankers.

I've met him and he's actually a really lovely bloke, who didn't deserve the living hell he must have been put through at school. To his credit he seems strangely proud of it, and is on twitter as "W_Ankers".


New member
i used to work for the uk border agency and came across some pretty spectacular names

i've got a list of them somewhere but some highlights included Anus Plant (seriously), and someone with the first name Retard



At the cinema showing I attended, the British crowd reacted derisively at key dialogue moments. One wise old lady says solemnly to a young man: "I could tell at once that you were a bender, and that you would realise your destiny." One character tells another wonderingly: "There are some really powerful benders in the Northern Water Zone." Another whispers tensely: "We want to minimise their bender sources." A key figure is taken away by brutal soldiers, one of whom shouts cruelly: "It's a bender."

And so on, for almost two hours. Each time, the response from the auditorium was deafeningly immature, and brought many of us to a state of nervous collapse. By the end of the film, I felt like a bit-part player in some feature-length adaptation of Viz comic – Springtime for Finbarr Saunders, perhaps. This scene will inevitably be repeated in every cinema in the land showing The Last Airbender. For Friday and Saturday night showings, the police may have to be called.


thread death
Weeping with laughter here.

My son had actually suggested we go and see it this holiday - this thread has made up my mind, I just can't!


heavy heavy monster sound
I have to see it now. I can't believe that people hate Shyamalan that much that no-one told him during the production that it may have a double meaning. Maybe it's his final kiss off to Hollywood "Hate me now, you benders!". Mind boggles. Either way I'm gettin really stoned this weekend and going to see it.


I love the way the bloke who wrote the article makes 'deafeningly immature' sound like high praise. Quite right too.

Sick Boy

All about pride and egos
Ah, M. Night Shamalamadingdong has done it again. Another unintentionally hilarious film. I swear this guy is secretly a comedian. If his shit wasn't clearly made in such earnest seriousness, it'd be on the satirical level of Team America: World Police.

This "bender" thing reminds me of when I was uncontrollably reduced to tears (of laughter) watching The Notebook with my girlfriend when at a bit when emotions are running particularly high the mother breaks down crying and apologizes for being a "big old bawl bag."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
"big old bawl bag."

Splfflflfft. :D

Is there some secret organisation in America that makes studios give their films titles that make British people splutter with laughter? There was a film a couple of years back called The Last Mimzy, wasn't there? What next, The Last Bell-End?


Bring out the vacuum
There's an episode of Married With Children where it's revealed Peggy Bundy's maiden name was "Wanker". I was never sure whether that was a knowing one or not.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I think it must be a real name. I always remember that the incidental music in Buffy was done by one Thomas Wanker.

In my high school we had an encyclopedia set that had the first and last entries in each volume (shortened to four letters) printed on the spine. One volume started with 'tube worm' or somesuch and ended with the Wankel rotary engine, so the spine proudly displayed the words TUBE WANK.


Wyndham Lewis's biography, by Paul O'Keefe, makes mention of a Labour MP of the 1930s named Frederick Seymour Cocks.