MATMOS at the Exotic Pyon

jonny mugwump

exotic pylon
A very special show this week: Matmos, one of the most innovative and subversive electronic groups of the last 15 years, dropped into the UK for 2 nights to perform a special gig with the newly-founded London Contemporary Orchestra. I was there and tonight's show is the concert in full and fucking special it is too.

This will be preceded by a short mix by yours truly...

OH- the archived version will be up at Exotic Pylon on Sunday but will change in a few weeks time to incorporate interviews with all the major players- i'll keep you informed...

You can subscribe at itunes too....

jonny mugwump

exotic pylon
Ah, ok, the podcast might have glitched actually AND i had to do my first ever repeat last week due to a combination of health issues, a stolen laptop and impending invocation of william burroughs on the sorbonne which was completed succesfully on thursday 2nd july.

All services should be back to normal by tomorrow afternoon and we're live tonight with some really freaked-out italian drugnoise from a band called Slumberwood and maybe David Stubbs talking and spinning but i'm waitng for final confirmation on that.