This sort of thing


Well-known member

Quintessentially nineties. The bad embarrassing nineties none of us would have touched with a bargepole but at this distance it starts to sound charming doesn't it?


Well-known member
At the time this would have sounded unforgivable. Very cheesy. Reminds me of this shut-in I knew who's hobby was digital art. He'd 'draw' a sphere with a metallic surface and then wait 48 hours for it to 'render'


Well-known member
And to expand the thread outwards, how one eras trash becomes our treasure eg yacht fascism @craner speak speak


Well-known member
He used to run an 'open house' which meant the local pisshead and crackhead and schizophrenic community would abuse his hospitality. Had some weird nights there

Anyway this music, very contained, doesn't push at the boundaries of itself


Well-known member
But I want to reiterate I'm enjoying this but at the same time with the awareness that t was utterly unforgiveBle in the nineties. Literally the worst sin you could commit.


Well-known member
I listen to mixmaster Morris sets to and it's a similar related feeling. Kitsch of course. Trash of the lowest order. But with time-distance, sort of beautiful


Well-known member
It's objectively terrible but now, as nostalgia for something which never existed, quite beautiful. A crap dream.


i guess you could say that by the nineties the shock of the innovation in techno had subsided and only the boring bits remain, anthologised here and meanwhile everyone moved on to more rigorously boring stuff like blue note jungle