Recent content by DLaurent

  1. DLaurent

    Being into music

    Overexposure is bad. If I only hung around 'music' people I'd be in a bad way. I'm still the only person I know of to have heard DJ P.J.s version of Computer Madness (Ghetto Madness). Would go in one ear and out the other if I said Way Out West sampled a The Alliance on Reinforced. And the only...
  2. DLaurent

    1994 was 30 years ago

    Dec 1994
  3. DLaurent

    The beauty of blossoming plants

    Lakes starting to look greener with reeds having some colour, taken yesterday during the so called blue hour. Does it stir the soul? Not really, but at least it's not giant hogweed.
  4. DLaurent

    Rivers songs playlist

    I like this. Roller disco tempo.
  5. DLaurent

    Rivers songs playlist

  6. DLaurent

    what are you reading now?

    One of my favourites is Isle of Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell. I mentioned it elsewhere and was told it was curriculum in the states. We read Shakespeare, Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies for GCSE, but were allowed to choose our own book for part of the study. I chose Matilda and my teacher...
  7. DLaurent


  8. DLaurent

    Essential Directors

    Siodmak and to a slightly lesser extent Lang.
  9. DLaurent

    Source Direct

    Dub mix is the one I mean.
  10. DLaurent

    Source Direct

    Photek System X - Mindgames...
  11. DLaurent

    The City, The Country

    I live in the trendiest/best village and the only thing I can find to do is fishing, suits me as I feel like I've grown out of cities.
  12. DLaurent

    The City, The Country
  13. DLaurent

    The best actor

    Probably Richard Conte with the best film being Somewhere in the Night.
  14. DLaurent

    Choon of the Day, redux

    It's like the 'Ain't Nobody' I hadn't heard until now. David 'Hawk' Wolinski.
  15. DLaurent

    your boomer canon

    Dad rock basically, David Gilmour, Mark Knoppfler, Peter Green being the best guitarists (the only instrument that matters).