
Cat Malogen
Part of pain is avoidance - we can avoid the worst elements of life’s blows but we never forget, you can only reframe it to truly own it. There’s a photo @version posted of Okamura’s taken immediately after a shooting, part ghoulish shadow, part splatter you’d more likely associate with god in the pavements bird mess, except it’s too messy, too dark and viscous even in b&w to be anything other than a murder scene

And you peer into your tiny screen-frame of reference with its surface distance, of velocities inherent with munitions, of soft tissue exploding into a pink mist and it looks right back at you. An incredibly poignant image where you can never again be the person who hadn’t seen the image prior to witnessing

Roll this idea out over every human life since subconscious drives evolved into language, where wisdom accumulated but constant change inevitably wiped ‘human’ libraries away. Hunter-gatherer to farmers to smiths. Add not being an apex predator until quite recently in our genetic journey too. We’re not designed to be entirely relaxed. Know your exits. How is x carrying themselves? Then bring a newborn baby into the picture, as an example. Crying loudly. Drawing attention to predators, alerting your amygdala’s hard -wired fire alarm. No Tardis exists to influence time to a degree where you can depart back to the childless garden prior to a lustful evening the previous summer


Well-known member
Gysin came up with a theory that white people are a product of a nuclear explosion in the Gobi desert 30,000 years ago. The explosion destroyed the society that produced it and left behind a bunch of radiated albinos who sheltered in caves and contracted a virus/parasite Freud later identified as the unconscious.
this is close to what the 5% nation believe


In liquification is the possibility for rebirth in new structure. The whirlpool sucks you down and spits you up in new form. You pass into the realm of the dead. All is dust. All is stillness. Time stops because there is no life to experience it.

Down the wormhole. Down the rabbithole. Alice in Wonderland. Farscape. Neo in the Matrix. Internet rabbitholes. Red pill blue pill. Get sucked in it'll change you. It'll kill you and youll be reborn. No man comes back through a portal the same way he entered. No man comes back through the same portal.
What's your source for this?


might have just gone mad, which is possible, but i have this sense that there's something about our understanding of human experience which doesn't add up, there's some kind of missing component. the current science is awaiting a breakthrough not in terms of how to do stuff but in terms of how we understand what human beings are and how they work. pure speculation but it could be something like this about the way memory is passed down through generations. our current ways of thinking about it are pretty basic and biological, some stuff is genetic and the other stuff is the things that have happened to you in your life (ie nature and nurture). there feels like there's a missing piece there to me. something to do with the experiences of our forefathers being passed down.
If some rats learn a new maze then unconnected rats learn it faster. There is a collective memory 'in the cloud' that also explains synchronous inventions and discoveries.

All accounts of the spirit world that I have read say that all knowledge is accessible to everyone (this is even reported by living people in out-of-body experiences) so perhaps there is some leakage from the spiritual part of us in everyday life..


The shared memory store has been hypothesised to explain the otherwise unexplained Flynn effect.

However, the Flynn effect has recently been reversing which suggests that our access to communal memory is being hampered.


this is close to what the 5% nation believe

im more comfortable with gysin's version. it doesn't impute some kind of sinister, purposive 'creation by miscegenation' to the origin of white people (and therefore has less moral charge)


Well-known member
Gravity is time. The sagging pull into wrinkles and death. All things to death. All structure back to dust. In our end is our beginning.
swallowed air
appropriated earth-
resources to build a craft/body-vessel/built
and steered/in poison earth
it can't
conditions here inimical to life. everything decays
the skin unstitched the heart-pump falters fails
the breath-tubes clogged this grit of
dirt of mud of mingled substance
all equipment contaminated on death-planet all
emotion made noxious and noisome on hate-planet

mind poisoned image flickers distortion of the image

garbled information ticket all fuzzy in-ordered

ordered wrong


Well-known member
Intrigued by James Hoff's new record. It's four pieces based on very well known songs - Bowie, Reed, Madonna, Blondie - and abstracted to the point of being more or less indiscernible. I think I can hear a hint of Harry's voice in the last one, but I've no idea whether there's actually anything of those songs there and it's not just a sleight of hand.

There are songs that have been so entwined in shared public consciousness that they barely exist in their original form, viewed as phantasms, haunting the architecture of modern life in the background of adverts, movies, hotel lobbies. Hoff describes this phenomenon as not unlike the "tinnitus effect" in movies - listeners don't hear the compositions themselves, just their overfamiliar pitches.

This one's supposedly Lou Reeds' 'Perfect Day' -
