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  1. IdleRich


    How come GB always does so well in this? Apparently they were second in the medal table last time round and they are second again now. What does it mean that they are outperforming bigger countries - eg and also ie the US - that outperform them in the Olympics?
  2. IdleRich

    Sexy pillow talk guaranteed to get you in the kood.

    No names here please, don't want to turn into actual bullying threat.... But, how would you respond to this delicate little tease wich was whispered coquettishly into my ear as I slid between the sheets for the first time with a genuinely beautiful woman... 'I'm sorry if my asshile feels...
  3. IdleRich

    Sexy pillow talk guaranteed to get you in the kood.

    No names here please, don't want to turn into actual bullying threat.... But, how would you respond to this delicate little tease which was whispered coquettishly into my ear as i slid between the sheets for the first time with a genuinely beautiful woman... 'I'm sorry if my asshile feels...
  4. IdleRich

    Pivot Mixing=

  5. IdleRich

    How do you "pull" girls etc?

    That is a badly worded title question, and i think that the reason for that is cos the language to discuss it properly basically doesn't exist - possibly through design. But I mean this as a genuine question. How does one go about pursuing someone they like and making them like you? And, once...
  6. IdleRich

    Raiders of the Lost DARC, Desterro Thurs 12th June all night Free Entry

    Harrison IV and Idle Rich return to Desterro for Raiders of the Lost DARC part XI - from 11pm until 4am free entry to members, see you there.
  7. IdleRich

    Famously Improvised Lines or other bits in films

    Inspired by @WashYourHands mentioning the famous bit in Midnight Cowboy when Dustin Hoffman shouted "I'm walking here" at a car that almost hit him during the filming of a scene and they left it in the film. What else though? Off the top of my head I think of Marlon Brando putting on a glove...
  8. IdleRich

    Little, Big; or, The Fairies’ Parliament by John Crowley

    Anyone read the above? I saw someone on a podcast being interviewed and this guy (dunno who he was) went on and on about it as though it was something properly special. He seemed to have had his mind completely blown by the experience of reading it, sold it as a kinda indescribable mindbending...
  9. IdleRich

    Ghetto House whatever you call it; DJ Assault, Traxman, Deeon etc

    There are a load of songs I like in this genre however you calm it; Fuck Me On The Dance floor, Let Me Bang, that Every Freaking Day one.... basically all the obvious famous ones that you hear all the time. Thing is, outside of those kinda things are there any other real poptastic bangers? It...
  10. IdleRich

    Raiders of the Lost DARC X, Fri 17th May Desterro Lisbon

    Yes we made it to episode ten, these last few nights have really been hitting the vibe we want, get down there from about 11pm to hear Harris and I smashing the fuck out of the place with loads of ebm, acid and dark electro until 4am or more...
  11. IdleRich

    IdleRich's Short Film Night at Ocio 1st May from 1930 FREE ENTRY

    Wake up sheeple! Film night is back at Ocio_lx this Wednesday and it's your chance to break away from the herd (flock, whatever) and join a smaller, cooler and downright better herd of people including Chooprakov, Igor Milosevic, Bhardwaj Raghav and myself - people who have opened their minds by...
  12. IdleRich

    Raiders of the lost DARC Thurs 4th April at Desterro

    On a Thursday this time for some reason... Idle Rich and Harrison IV are back again at Desterro, boshing out the usual mixture of acid, ebm and I dunno what. From about 10pm until 4am... Last few nights have been rocking and all the omens point to this one being a killer too.
  13. IdleRich

    Raider's of the Lost DARC 9th Feb at Desterro

    Idle Rich and Harrison IV are back once again, slithering around in the dark where we belong, illuminating it every now and again with a blinding energy flash of acid ebm electro or new beat...
  14. IdleRich

    Story through meme/reel

    I guess this (or something like it) had to happen eventually. Now I haven't seen this yet - have any of you lot? - but from what Taras says, it looks pretty interesting and I'm planning to catch it. It's this account is what I'm saying
  15. IdleRich

    James Hype

    Have you seen this guy? I guess I don't pay attention to these things cos the way it always works is, I never hear of these people and then clearly they cross some threshold and they are EVERYWHERE and everyone knows everything about them - and has ALWAYS known. Anyway, I often see it said...
  16. IdleRich

    Motorik Motherfucking Madness Megamix Part 2

    OK, the other day I made a fucknig messy and I happen to think rather great mixed up mix of my favourite motorik tunes. It was almost three hours of bangers and when I uploaded it I sank back exhausted and spent, convinced that I had done justice to the genre and laid down almost every motorik...
  17. IdleRich

    Stoner Rock that I will like

    Fuck it, might as well have a thread I really like this And this is essentially the same so I like it too The bits I don't like as much are the vocals and when the riffing speeds up and moves ashy from the lower tones. But when it's super deep with grinding slow-mo ribs it's almost like...
  18. IdleRich

    Idle Rich's Short Film Night returns in 2024 on Weds Jan 24th

    Like it says in the title, we're back with vengeance on January the 24th at Ocio, we're keeping it free entry, the doors will be at 1930 as they always were, and of course Taras, Igor and Idle Rich will bring the heat in the form of weird, obscure, good and, unquestionably, short films. More...
  19. IdleRich

    Perfectionism and Fear of Success

    I went round my friend Pedro's house to make a tune. He has loads of equipment making one room of their house into a studio bristling with synths and fx boxes and so on, all plugged into some version of Ableton. Thing is, I had a bit of a feeling that he's too much of a perfectionist, one of...