LISTEN TO ME i did a radio show


in je ogen waait de wind
i don't know why i didn't think of this before, it's great to walk around with no specific aim and have a good mix on. somehow when you live somewhere for a longer time you just take the same roads and routes you know and have remembered, maybe cos they're the most efficient. meaning there's still so much to see. in between i discovered a methodist church with it's doors open, went in there for a bit to hear the singing and the organ. then went on with your show until i ran out of credits.

i'll have a look for that tune and see if i can find it, and i wanted to ask you about the prediction tablet yes! but no stress about it, any time is good.


Well-known member
There's huge huge amounts of mudlarks every low tide despite the need for a permit even to look without touching. I'm on a Thames mudlark Facebook page. Because it is a tidal river what gets washed up at one low tide could concieveably vanish for another 500 years as the tide comes in again. It's an incredible archeological site. All eras are contemporaneous in the river, there are no strata, you don't dig down into an orderly layered past.