Big Books


Well-known member
I though that was obvious! The Allen Mandelbaum translation is really good too.

You thought it was obvious but I happen to know these people here are the unlettered channel surfing MTV generation nothing is too obvious


Well-known member
wallace is cancelled and there's no court of appeal so don't come crying to me and Craner.


Beast of Burden
I don’t even care that he was cancelled for being exposed as a rapey stalker, he was shit before then too just on the basis of his abysmal writing style.


Beast of Burden
The only contribution Bret Easton Ellis has made since the 80s was to accurately skewer Wallace as “the most tedious, overrated, tortured, pretentious writer of my generation.”


Well-known member
I didn't know he was a rapey stalker I was cancelling him for writing that book

He threw a woman out of a moving car, stalked her son, got her name tattooed on him, threw a coffee table at her and threatened to buy a gun so he could shoot her husband. Also slept with a bunch of his students, bragged to Franzen about sleeping with a minor and probably did a bunch of other shit too.


Beast of Burden
It’s OK now but I was being told I didn’t know anything for saying this when his stock was high. Possibly on a thread on this forum.


Well-known member
I like bits and pieces of Wallace, now and then he hit on something, but I don't like his style. He writes like a nervous public speaker constantly correcting themselves and digging the hole deeper.


Well-known member
I didn't say I didn't like it, I said it was one of the worst big books I've read. I liked bits of it, but there weren't enough of those bits.
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bandz ahoy
You said you didn't like his style.

His style presumably runs from page 1 to page 1500.

Not trying to waterboard you here I just think I'd have given up.