Customers demand Emotion Recollected in Tranquility. But that's a recipe for Dirty Bathwater Consommé, and, come the health inspectors, what's the chef gonna say? Canny neurotics long ago learned the value of (a pretense of) depersonalization, from Yeats's Hallowe'en masks and Eliot's "It's...
24/7 female neoliberal empowerment firehose
a bulwark against narcissism
amish hashish
boy scout ted bundy
empty music for empty people
folky honky tonk n' banjo pickin'
george melly and sons
gus has never eaten ass he says ewww gross
gus' dungeon
gus: necrophilia advocate
hotdog boy
planting and digging turnips
polka protestants
raymond williams
ruthless formalism
smearing "female empowerment" with neoliberalism
spear fishing
special brew
submit to the sodomy
testicle torture
the bad guy's dungeon
the strategically ignorant
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