relinquish the earth-suit. no more Schuman the Human. show's cancelled people.
i know, and dont need reminding that the first recorded music is the first real break here.i know dematerialisation doesn't begin with the digital. i also know the digital doesnt begin in the '00s
and yet it seems...
abolish the production of weed
are we going to a fucking ashram or what
are we still in the music forum?
ashram flashcore will be cool tho.
autotune inna jonestown
barty is actually the cult leader
barty saved the day
barty we miss you please come back
bliss blog with the big knob
build the escape craft already
captain tactful
chemsex gabba
corpsey gets the bullies on board
corpsey's law
dirty old rotter
do not answer the machine
external nervous system
get a room
he always does
how did you get radicalised?
it's a trap
joe muggs defends diplo.
koranic law
luka's a crypto-christian
marshall 'testicle' mcluhan
marxist speedcore tiny cockism
narcissism will never be dematerialised
old men.
reynolds' wankinghabits
shut it off
si's wanking himself to death
skunk leads you to hegel.
south east london bum club
spunk on his long johns
stains on his old man slippers
the military industrial bongplex
this is what happens without women
view tag cloud
what are you working for?
who are you working for?
who's agent are you?
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