the lock-stock samples in this mean its hardly one to convert the doubters, but the groove on this one is evil. The way they've fucked up the diva vocals on this is great too, really druggy sounding, sweat yer bollox off on the dancefloor material. I'm making do with good headphones and a spliff.
SHEEEZE! Yeah no, I was first introduced to it through that absolutely shite documentary "Grime Up Norf", where they managed to totally ignore all the actual, you know, grime up norf... I thought it sounded like an awful idea, and TBH the stuff continuum posted for the first few pages did not sell me at all (you've been posting straight bangers since then though G!)
I heard Marcus Nasty play some at Butterz, and it sounded pretty good on loads of drugs (Y) But the real thing was just revving up that Marcus mix with sound good headphones just after it came out, and I really had a "this is why I like dance music" moment when Let's Go Back kicked in.
I think some of the "supposed to like" vibe might come from the blog post I wrote. It wasn't meant to be a "supposed to like" thing though (the tunes speak for themselves), but just a "supposed to take notice". I mean what was amazing for a Londoner like me who had been chugging along quite nicely with the 4/5 new "Bass" vinyl worth getting on Boomkat a month, stuff like Champion's Selekta, the Dreamworks Continuum EP, but a big sense of there being no direction to the scene, with all the hand-wringing articles about the state of the nuum etc. was that up norf, an actual, REALLY large scene, held together by a totally distinct sound, which had a presence in the clubs and people blasting it out of their cars, was taking place.
If you've never been there before, going on bigtunesmp3 is like overturning a rock and finding an entire civilization of ketted out ants right there in your back garden without you noticing. I mean there's so much music coming out, and so much of it's crap, but it's got this really energy and buzz, rather than the London scene which feels all very precious like "ooh, waiting for that Joy O/Boddika release", you know? like we have all these big name producers with no sense of a sound, no scenius, all their releases such a big deal, and none of that hardcore vibe of producers just putting out fuck loads of tunes that just do the business on the dance floor.
So just seeing that it was like, wow, this is obviously relevant to anyone who's interested in Jungle or Garage or Funky, but nobody who likes Jungle or Garage or Funky down south is talking about it.
Wow long lol