In both the UK and the US a large part of what is reported to us as politics is constituted of meaningless fluff with minimal relevance to the actual issues that need to be addressed. Gossip has replaced news and there is more discussion of politicians than policy - personalities are examined more than strategies and actions, yet somehow the analysis of these personalities still contrives to be shallow and trite, telling us nothing beyond confirming the most obvious of conclusions and failing utterly in terms of providing any useful kind of predictive power.
But perhaps things are starting to change; this story has been going round a lot the last week or so, and I for one am glad that at last the pantomime world of American politics is addressing a substantive issue that is of real importance to the average American voter. Finally someone has brought up the big one.
For years the stench of stench has clung to Trump like dangleberries to Trump, but it seems that there has been a conspiracy of silence with many of the people in the worlds of showbiz and politics willing to cover up his dirty big secret. To me that seems kinda irresponsible and they have put people who follow him at literal risk of being defecated on.
Imagine you meet Trump and find this out the hard way... I would be aggrieved and wanting answers, feeling that someone owed me an explanation as to why they hadn't warned me and everyone else. Isn't there some kind of duty of care here or something? There are plenty of other circumstances where if one knows something then they are legally obliged to speak up, this feels as though it should be one of those.
Edit; Personally I love their choice of the word 'uncontrollable' there, it's not enough to say simply that he, Trump, has lost control, oh no, it has to be said that these bowels are themselves utterly uncontrollable. No-one could rein them in, there is no technique that could help someone gain the upper hand, in fact many people are saying that these are the finest, most uncontrollable bowels they have ever seen, and now they are totally off the leash, heading inexorably for DC and they simply cannot be stopped! They are crushing everything in their path and leaving behind in their unspeakable wake a few outdated and unloved concepts that noone was really using anyway such as democracy, justice & freedom... smeared in effluent these mark the path of the curious orange beast which is estimated to arrive in the capital sometime later in the year where it is expected to take up residence, probably indefinitely.