Yep. I hate tech house and turnips.That’s quite bleak, Rich?
Yep. I hate tech house and turnips.That’s quite bleak, Rich?
Really? Come on man...I mean, the last guy who tried to unify Europe only managed 6 million.
I mean, the last guy who tried to unify Europe only managed 6 million.
Portuguese is very hard to learn in my defence.
A lot of it is very similar although they will never admit it.Well I think you should learn Spanish just to spite them.
I’m going to do a hate crime later. Get in the spirit of things.
No doubt brought to you by people who see no issue with moving to Spain, opening an English pub and refusing to learn Spanish.
Ok, I'll be honest, I was the one who distributed this leaflet , if the police wanna raid me then I'll be waiting , this is are bloody country and people who have invaded with all this foreign food and languages is just one step for the globalists (EU/UN) to abolish the English people .. all throughout are history we've been the most oppressed group , people are always trying to take us on , this is England speak bloody English or get out, sorry but im fed up of people telling me I look too English in Sheffield , im constantly getting peanut butter jars and honey combs swatted at my head , my crime? Wearing a crucifix but I don't give a fuck because the lord died and I can relate with him being oppressed in his own lands , Ill wear it with pride and you cant stop me (leftists especially) I know you labour smhuck hate me and other Christians , bovered? no im not . very dark times ahead for us , Brexit was the first step of stopping the genocide of English people, my Union Jack isn't flying half mast anymore , I dare one of you pink haired gender neutral sticks to try and take it down , I will laugh and pity your futile attempts and what will happen afterwards especially if im a few bevs down
Right-wing, 148 IQ, Patriot, Christian, Tory, MbA at Oxford.
Rupert Murdoch could seriously be a contender for one of the bravest / greatest souls living right now, in a world full of leftists dominating media and trying to socially rewire us, it's good hearted men like him that gives me hope, he brings normality to this nation, if it wasn't for people like him I guarantee we'd be replacing history classes (no evil white men taught in our schools) in school for something like gender appropriation class. Rupert, if you're reading this: we love you, keep being a champion of the truth and Christian / right-wing rights, our days are numbered and we're constantly being targeted now, please keep fighting for us in this oppression we're faced with.