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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Is it inconceivable that people have voluntarily modified their behaviour to avoid catching or passing on the virus as a spontaneous response to the big rise in cases in the last few months, even before a new lockdown was brought in?

That's good, isn't it? People acting in rational self-interest without having to be cajoled or threaten into "behaving themselves" by the overbearing State?


My friend just got his 2nd posiitive covid test, with 3 negatives in between 😳 the first was in April,
no bad symptoms so far thank goodness (he's in a situation where he gets regular tests)


Public Health England have noticed some reinfections in their longitudinal monitoring (in which they test ppl repeatedly over time) but I don't think it's many at all. Maybe it's a false positive :)

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
That assertion needs a modicum of evidence.
As does the assertion that it's herd immunity, given that seropostive rates even in London are still under 10%, and you need at least 70% for herd immunity to occur.

You still haven't explained why this disease should be any different, beyond a hunch by a statistician that "maybe 50% of us are naturally immune already, for some reason."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
As does herd immunity... it's not the default answer you seem to think it is.
It's also present much dead in the water, having been exposed as a pet project by three hucksters who staged a fancy "declaration" that was then signed by thousands of "doctors" with names such as Dr Harold Shipman and Professor Johnny Bigbollocks.


The more people that have had it, the harder transmission is...London has been hit hardest hence now has low transmission.

It's not rocket science.
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