After the lockdown ...


it's been a tumultous time in us and uk quite apart from the pandemic what with brexit and trumpxit
along with the corrupt and mismanaged pandemic response,
how far has support for the leaders overall dropped i wonder, regardless off the individual loser political parties

are there any polls that measure "how much more of this can you take before you revolt?"?


they're also simultaneously making it illegal difficult and dangerous to revolt
havent they always
the best revolt that was occurring pre-corona was the xr revolt, which hasnt achieved the same sort of scale of mass activity during the pandemic
not much has been happening on the streets since BLM marchers faced a clown cavalry charge in whitehall, but who knows what summer will bring

10 years coming up since the revolt against Boris and Cameron took over the streets, and none of those issues have been resolved.


Well-known member
I know everyone blames Cummings - and why not, he's a cunt - but the social isolation isn't really something that anyone can maintain for months on end, it never made sense to stop people from meeting outside really.

I think if they'd allowed the outdoors shared activity on a greater scale and didn't try and restrict it we'd all be in a better state by now

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I know everyone blames Cummings - and why not, he's a cunt - but the social isolation isn't really something that anyone can maintain for months on end, it never made sense to stop people from meeting outside really.

I think if they'd allowed the outdoors shared activity on a greater scale and didn't try and restrict it we'd all be in a better state by now
Yeah, from what I understand, the infection risk from meeting people outside is pretty minimal. It's more the general "one rule for them..." unfairness of it.


after those last few months, people should be allowed to catch up before they get back to work perhaps?
yeah i don't think the plan if that's what it is is catering for our actual needs - there's been a big disruption but not a lot of reflection

tbh i think the whole "back to work" thing should be ... reconsidered


i guess there's a space below the level where the tories are looting and fucking everything up where we can make our own plans