Dissensus Zine


I think probably someone does need to take charge or it might not happen, but let's keep the idea alive anyway. The dematerialisation thread maybe the best place to start in terms of content. I was actually gonna offer to make this into a zine when I started the 'zines, pamphlets etc' thread a while ago, but thought it wasn't really my place. Also ive only actually read it the once and didn't really get a lot of it, not a lot has actually stayed with me. But there was another about the psychedelic Avant Garde that was interesting.

Re the idea of using some kind of process to filter, this is purely from my own experience of making zines, I find it helps to have boundaries or limits, cos it just makes things more manageable.

Sufi, thanks for that info. I think at some point in the future, probably not now, cos I'm up to my neck in website related issues with work, it would be worthwhile to put the database somewhere and make queries on it.
I was playing about with a nice scraping tool recently that can grab posts and export them neatly so i was able to create a single document containing the entire dematerialisation thread for example,

I have had to write mega queries for work, relatively competent at raw SQL, maybe I can help with something?
i have lots of ideas about interesting stuff to dredge up from the database if we had the skills
I was playing about with a nice scraping tool recently that can grab posts and export them neatly so i was able to create a single document containing the entire dematerialisation thread for example,
so can we take yyalddrins drawings, and corpseys nudes, craners essays and lukas poems and just pull them onto a feed or wall. i liek the idea of scraps rolling alongside Serious Writing.