Reverb and Echo


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Reverb and echo are basically derivations of call and response and audience repeat really. The basics of performance.


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Reverberation is the persistence of sound after the sound source has been stopped. It results from a large number of reflected waves which can be perceived by the brain as a continuous sound. On the other hand, an echo occurs when a pulse of sound can be heard twice.23 Mar 2018 › 2018/03

What's the difference between echo and reverberation? - NoiseNews

So Im saying echo is like the sing along. And reverb is a response call.


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Raymond Scott - Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. (INSTR., TAKE 4 ) ( c. 1960 - 62 )

instrumental of a jingle featuring "push button electronic gadgets" - the echoing sequences remind me of 50s sci-fi visions of outer space


Reverberation is the persistence of sound after the sound source has been stopped. It results from a large number of reflected waves which can be perceived by the brain as a continuous sound. On the other hand, an echo occurs when a pulse of sound can be heard twice.23 Mar 2018 › 2018/03

What's the difference between echo and reverberation? - NoiseNews

So Im saying echo is like the sing along. And reverb is a response call.
And what's delay?



Terry Riley - You're No Good ( 1968 )

Radical reworking of The Harvey Averne Dozen's R&B tune ‎"You're No Good" - two reel to reel tape players playing out of phase, ring modulators, oscillations, tape delays, echoes.. mindfuck acid dub...

There's another one like this with a rockabilly tune, what am I thinking of?


is not like other people
To me these effects are more about suggesting a sense of space, whether wide open like a cavern or mountain range, or enclosed, like a bathroom, often very reverberant which is why people like to sing in the shower.


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Terry Riley - You're No Good ( 1968 )

Radical reworking of The Harvey Averne Dozen's R&B tune ‎"You're No Good" - two reel to reel tape players playing out of phase, ring modulators, oscillations, tape delays, echoes.. mindfuck acid dub...

Good work from the scamps nick relph and oliver payne to use this in its entirety for their classic 'mixtape' video. The whimsical YABAs



Well-known member
To me these effects are more about suggesting a sense of space, whether wide open like a cavern or mountain range, or enclosed, like a bathroom, often very reverberant which is why people like to sing in the shower.
Does anyone actually sing in the shower or is it just something you see in films?

I sing in the car tho.


is not like other people
Echo is a type of delay but I'm pretty sure they're not interchangeable.
People who are into music technology almost never use the word "echo". They talk about delay. But delay reproduces the effect of hearing a sound echo.


Yeah I think delay is the general term and echo, reverb and more are specific instances of it. But I know fuck all about it so....
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