Binary & Tweed
It reveals that he, West, has contended with these concepts on levels that are less purely academic, but rather more vulnerable and honest, than the levels on which most people contend with them.
Totally, and I've been strictly focused in for so long as to constitute a sort of hyperacademic psychosis. Still feel the pull.To paint you have to focus in and pull back, same with language
Cornel West can call you brother, Judith Butler has cats, compounded by American stereotypes
His body language, from what I've seen, is one of a reserved and sophisticated ecstasy, an ecstasy that sometimes spills over into exuberant gestures and vocal emphases.
Totally, and I've been strictly focused in for so long as to constitute a sort of hyperacademic psychosis. Still feel the pull.
edit: granted a very benign psychosis in the grand scheme of psychoses. In the sense of a reality that is substantially detached/removed from normal reality.
Something to take seriously. I sense much of the world's high-level business hangs in the balance of first impressions, gut feelings, readings of body language, etc, things more primal than conceptual sophistication.
Interesting, hadn't thought of that. No remote participation in golf, or in underage sex parties at the Plaza for that matter.wonder if/how this has changed due to the pandemic, when business travel ground to a halt and most business was conducted via zoom. you see each other, get a first impression/gut feeling, can read some body language, but you're removed. you can't possibly replicate the actual IRL interaction and experience.
yeah i remember your first post stan.One of the reasons I've been turning back, gradually, toward plain language. Still not there yet, but significantly better than many of my earlier posts where I felt little to no need to keep things simple, but was rather more concerned with articulating the most advanced thinking I could achieve, at the expense of simple language.