Tech Dreams


I had one about some sort of a book with little icons that you could pluck out of the page with your fingers and then set off in into midair - they looked like wee blue pokemon birdies or something.


Tech doesnt fit into our dream worlds very well i think.
but when you encounter it, it reveals new facets to our cyborgisms,
strange subconscious devices that feel like they make sense in the moment but actually only demonstrate what an odd fit we are with keyboards and cables and that

tell me more - or do you not dream about tech?


Not quite a dream, and I may have already mentioned, but my mate did an iboga trip a few months ago and he said he spent a long part of it closing and opening files on his computer, searching emails, saving things to desktop etc.
I've read that this is a staple of ibogaine trips


Tech doesnt fit into our dream worlds very well i think.
but when you encounter it, it reveals new facets to our cyborgisms,
strange subconscious devices that feel like they make sense in the moment but actually only demonstrate what an odd fit we are with keyboards and cables and that

tell me more - or do you not dream about tech?
i wonder if the symbolisms are not fully settled down yet?
or maybe they are too well established, HCIs and OSs are already operating as a layer of metaphor to translate the machine processes intelliglbly for us monkeys


Well-known member
It makes perfect sense when you think about it, for even a second, that we should have tech dreams. But I don't think I do, generally. I think cos of the separation we have around technology. Same thing with nature/tech duality, we associate them as separate categories. That must run deep.


It makes perfect sense when you think about it, for even a second, that we should have tech dreams. But I don't think I do, generally. I think cos of the separation we have around technology. Same thing with nature/tech duality, we associate them as separate categories. That must run deep.
but i wonder also if it's just still all too new it's not melded into the biome yet or is in the process of doing that


Well-known member
Well yeah, true. Actually mckenna talks about this a bit, that people say his stoned ape theory is "lamarckian" by ascribing a set of differences that actually occur outside of the human DNA.

We won't be truly living our full tech lives til we are replicating metal and glass in the body.


cat malogen
one dozing coming up on mushrooms last summer, a hazy blue sky blur coalesced into the inside of our home where the walls and floors were entirely mirror surfaced

it felt techy if that makes any sense and creepy, deeply artificial which is weird for a built environment so familiar

I could feel its cool surfaces on the soles of my feet, thousands of chrome shades intercutting the sun filtering through fingers over closed eyes - bit too Palmer Eldritch


Well-known member
skin, objects, everything feeling like soft rubber/plastic, most with some sort of oily silicone residue that I have never noticed before
it felt like dirt has momentarily gone out of my scope of perception, which rarely happens, even more so in places like squats

could hardly unlock my phone and decided to go to sleep, when I woke up fifteen minutes later everything was normal.
still, I was at a squat around the centre of Sydenham and dirt was omnipresent.


I dreamed someone handed me a closed laptop, all covered in thick sticky bright blue paint, my feeling was "what am i supposed to do with this now?"


so like the laptop is a symbolic object, a token of something
while dreams can't still stretch to portray e.g. reading an email, checking a friend on social - that level of detail on tech is still not programmed in
I am compelled to post this again, one of the finest trip reports ever (ibogaine)

One of the most mindboggling manifestations that I can remember started happening pretty close to the beginning of my trip. I was lying down under the covers waiting for this strange new drug to come on, right? And while I was waiting, I was playing with my smartphone. Only I never had my smartphone. It was actually upstairs in my backpack the entire time. It’s like I was dreaming that I had my phone, but it was a solid, heavy object in my hand, and its dim flickering light softly illuminated the interior of my little blanket fort. I was kind of nervous about what this crazy drug that I’d already ingested a couple of rounds of was actually going to feel like when it finally kicked in, so in order to comfort and distract myself I was looking through “My Pictures”, which was mysteriously populated with hundreds or perhaps even thousands of photo-realistic screenshots from my life. They were exquisitely curated. Here were all of the most pivotal moments in my personal history, and each thumbnail seemed like the best possible picture that could ever have been taken of that particular scene. Furthermore, they were displayed in chronological order, and I could find things that I was looking for by scrolling forward and backward in time. When I found a scene that I was interested in, I could click on its little icon and I would be instantaneously transported there. And it wasn’t all fuzzy around the edges, either. It felt exactly as substantial as I feel right now. No, really. Sometimes I re-lived the scenes from the first-person perspective of my younger self, and sometimes I felt like a disembodied camera up in the corner of the room. Whenever I was looking out of my own eyes I seemed to be replaying all of my original thoughts, feelings, and even physical sensations with uncanny fidelity. When my viewpoint was outside of my body, I could observe things as they unfolded from a more impassive state. I could sometimes intentionally switch modalities, too. When I was in the observational mode I could (occasionally) move my virtual camera around so as to watch the same events play out from a different point of view. When I was in the smartphone mode I could move the little thumbnails around. I also remember trying to decide if it was safe to drag a memory into the Trash folder, and intending to do this with something that I deemed to be relatively inconsequential. But now I honestly don’t remember what it was.