“Your Call is Very Important to Us” - music heard hanging on the phone


cat malogen
NHS, get past the vocal, over and over and over



cat malogen
Dept of Work and Pensions reps late as ever, endless Kafkaesque bureaucracy



bandz ahoy
Many baroque masterpieces tarnished by being the de facto hold music back in the day.

Last time I got put on hold it was dua lipa or something instead.

All music sounds awful through a phone.


Many baroque masterpieces tarnished by being the de facto hold music back in the day.

Last time I got put on hold it was dua lipa or something instead.

All music sounds awful through a phone.
i think there is s special genre of copyright free music that soars and plummets like the famous BA ad theme, but doesnt involve a payment being made each time it's played, sort of sonic clones that are just far enough from anything that anyone would claim authorship of



didnt realise that this wasnt originally blondie - this version is probably a lot cheaper to put on your switchboard