

Well-known member
am i the only one who feels it being wrestled from me from every direction?

the antennules draw in, the world seals itself off.

sooner or later, for the depressed, everything reaches a point of zero interest. the first layer to go, though, is that purest temperament of interest. the interest for interest's sake. the drive towards assimilation, towards expanding the world, increasing its depth and variety. to no end but the most immanent and immediate and obvious. curiosity.

when it's gone, it's like it was never there, as if it was only the conjuring of some mania.

the sobering reality that things are only pieces in a game. the game is everything. the pieces on their own are nothing.


They dislike any form of individuality, for example artists, musicians, writers, the unmarried, the childless, and consequently they destroy paintings, books, poetry etc. They also engage in vandalism, encourage their children to be cruel to They , Kay Dick's 1977 novella, is a quick and easy read.

This book, printed to universal disdain and pulped in the 70's has come back around and is being embraced as relevant,visionary etc

vershy versh

Well-known member
I think the way things filter down through the culture kills curiosity somewhat. There's this mad rush to categorise and feed things to people in as bland a way as possible.

You look up the salt flats mentioned in the Bolivia thread and it's lame YouTube vids of rich couples in their camper van giving you a tour with stock music over the top.

That and being able to look everything up stops you going out and looking for it yourself.


cat malogen
Satiated is a stronger marketing gimmick pulling in staggering revenue streams

Maps used to be an open starting point. Now, they’re the frame, picture, viewer and viewed

vershy versh

Well-known member
It ties in with what sufi's talking about in the admin thread and what Slothrop was saying about optimising everything. We have less and less time to explore and everything's tailored to just dumping whatever it's thought you want in your lap.




Puzzles puzzles
I was thinking about starting a thought thread about puzzles - it's like you have to have a hook or everything is boring,
there has to be a bit of a challenge and also a way to prove that you are worthy of the interaction,

obvs i'm thinking of big brain Prynne here, (who swerves it anyway by being relativistic and pretending that there is no single meaning to be decyphered), but it seems like being obscure, oblique, a bit inaccessible but unlockable is a thing (maybe i'll start that thread, but this one is a good start already, thank you @entertainment

or perhaps that's just our approach as over-educated outsiders "course i'm a misfit", but it seems like a flipside of curiouslty - like set pieces to draw us into facile cultural morass

(and i'm not talking anout effing wordle though we think Prynne probably plays)


cat malogen

Solid case studies, curiosity as page turner (cue Tea joke about names)



Solid case studies, curiosity as page turner (cue Tea joke about names)
@WashYourHands is absolutely surfing on my zeitgesit there - puzzles


cat malogen
Uncanny, hit post just as the green new post arrived

People are lazy. Everything is coordinated. People walk to exercise now, we used to walk as a source of enquiry. Our myths have become lazy in conjunction with such trends. We operate along time-critical temporalities. We horde data we don’t need. Information burnout

vershy versh

Well-known member
Puzzles puzzles
I was thinking about starting a thought thread about puzzles - it's like you have to have a hook or everything is boring,
there has to be a bit of a challenge and also a way to prove that you are worthy of the interaction,

obvs i'm thinking of big brain Prynne here, (who swerves it anyway by being relativistic and pretending that there is no single meaning to be decyphered), but it seems like being obscure, oblique, a bit inaccessible but unlockable is a thing (maybe i'll start that thread, but this one is a good start already, thank you @entertainment

or perhaps that's just our approach as over-educated outsiders "course i'm a misfit", but it seems like a flipside of curiouslty - like set pieces to draw us into facile cultural morass

(and i'm not talking anout effing wordle though we think Prynne probably plays)
That supposed Joyce quote,

“‎I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that is the only way of insuring one's immortality.”​


vershy versh

Well-known member
Uncanny, hit post just as the green new post arrived

People are lazy. Everything is coordinated. People walk to exercise now, we used to walk as a source of enquiry. Our myths have become lazy in conjunction with such trends. We operate along time-critical temporalities. We horde data we don’t need. Information burnout
Every film has to have multiple YouTube videos 'explaining' it and pointing out every 'Easter egg'.


Uncanny, hit post just as the green new post arrived

People are lazy. Everything is coordinated. People walk to exercise now, we used to walk as a source of enquiry. Our myths have become lazy in conjunction with such trends. We operate along time-critical temporalities. We horde data we don’t need. Information burnout
the whole thing of authorship now is calibrating the twist so that you think you worked it out first, all the rest is noodles


am i the only one who feels it being wrestled from me from every direction?

the antennules draw in, the world seals itself off.

sooner or later, for the depressed, everything reaches a point of zero interest. the first layer to go, though, is that purest temperament of interest. the interest for interest's sake. the drive towards assimilation, towards expanding the world, increasing its depth and variety. to no end but the most immanent and immediate and obvious. curiosity.

when it's gone, it's like it was never there, as if it was only the conjuring of some mania.

the sobering reality that things are only pieces in a game. the game is everything. the pieces on their own are nothing.
but also that feeling when you have no space for your own inspiration, the field is so crowded and we're all on the same page


Well-known member
curiosity thrives in a tension between known and unknown. the prospect of unknown things becoming known. the transfer, the change, the newness.

but everything now seems to float in some middle distance, a removed familiarity.

these are thoughts of a young lad in something of a crisis of course but i thought there is an echo of a cultural condition too