Thanks. Are you in Berlin by the way?Nice to see you back, Rich
Thanks. Are you in Berlin by the way?Nice to see you back, Rich
By quantum physics 'material' reality is not fundamentally deterministic. Metaphysically, never heard of anyone receiving a revelation of a deterministic universe. Ideas of destiny confused predestination with foreknowledge and time complications can confuse them yet further (even on Earth there is empirical evidence for backward causation). Reports say that we have a good idea of the outline of our next incarnation when choosing it but nothing is set in stone. Given that consciousness is undeniable, and pervasive consciousness more credible than pervasive unconsciousness, I am more inclined to extend free will to all ostensible matter than to deny it to all; obviously just because one can decide some things doesn't mean one can practically decide everything. So a stone has less opportunity to bring its will to bear than a human does.what do you think is happening?
Accounts of the discarnate realms describe a hierarchical system of training for largely individualised souls, with only those perfected in character being granted access to the timeless God-level of consciousness. The point of this separation of consciousness is to enhance the scope of God's awareness, which is in some ways all-knowing but not all-experiencing as it is too perfect to experience imperfection and the struggle therefrom.i ofc also ascribe to a theistic version of this position where G-d is absolutely free by dint of determining Himself absolutely, is the sine qua non of all determinants and determination as such, and the basic referent for "infinitum" in ad. inf.
People who've been there or who are there at the moment. I understand the religious texts say roughly the same things, which is why Huxley said they are all drawing from the same well of truth which he called the Perennial Philosophy.whose accounts of which discarnate realms?