The Most Iconic DJ


Part 2 of this story pls
There wasn't really a part two I'm afraid, I know we got home and Liza remembered she had arranged to meet someone to buy a cat. I said fuck that I don't even want to get a fucking cat and went to bed... she turned up with the super cute bundle of fur about three hours later and I couldn't resist. Although he did shit in our bed that night I seem to remember so he was pretty lucky to survive.


One of my favourite "clang" moments about 20 mins into this

There's this fizzing build release thing going on, then he drops in the seemingly totally random plink plonk sound and then it all come together again with the pounding kick drum.

I like it when you can tell they're cutting from one side to the other on the fader. Often it's too smooth and you don't get that physicality of feel, but when you can really them moving the fader and another record is really obviously being cut in it's much cooler.


Well-known member
There wasn't really a part two I'm afraid, I know we got home and Liza remembered she had arranged to meet someone to buy a cat. I said fuck that I don't even want to get a fucking cat and went to bed... she turned up with the super cute bundle of fur about three hours later and I couldn't resist. Although he did shit in our bed that night I seem to remember so he was pretty lucky to survive.
I wanted to know if you gave in and let him play the 4.30 til 6 bit. Also is he still your mate lol. And do yoh still have the residency there etc etc.


Well-known member
I like it when you can tell they're cutting from one side to the other on the fader. Often it's too smooth and you don't get that physicality of feel, but when you can really them moving the fader and another record is really obviously being cut in it's much cooler.
What's interesting about this one is that it feels pretty random and thrown together in the moment cos of that huge jump cut but if you go back to listen to his other mixes from the same time, the same cut with the same combo of songs comes up a few times. So obviously a well practised manoeuvre that was perfected over time and seems to come together so well in thst moment.


Well-known member
One of my favourite "clang" moments about 20 mins into this

There's this fizzing build release thing going on, then he drops in the seemingly totally random plink plonk sound and then it all come together again with the pounding kick drum.

There's another moment about 40 mins in where he drops strings of life out of nowhere. Good as well how you can see the drops on the soundcloud listening graph