The name is cos the building was the ministry of finance or something before. I guess that is fair enough.
Like I say, I went there once and it's a pretty cool building obviously in that it used to be a government office, and it's changed pretty nicely into a midsize club. My friends who've been several times have said the music can be pretty bland house or tech-house, or... various styles beginning with the descriptor "pretty bland" - I suppose to fill a club that big in a town this small you have to be a bit safe/commercial, fair enough. They all seemed to have had a good time though in a nice place, good crowd, decent vibe, ok music.
But when I went the main room was quite taste and they said it was unusual and I was lucky. There was a smaller room upstairs as well which I think shut about three and everyone had to go to the main room - I can't imagine that bothered them that much though cos the music was surprisingly similar in both rooms, seems a very odd choice to me, if you got two rooms then seems the obvious thing is give people a choice, something quite different
I'm sorry to say this but, cos I'm English, when I see that phrase or word, although I know at the conscious level that you are using bummed in an American sense, meaning something like you were pissed off - or, what, tired maybe? - the meaning of that sentence that hits me straight away at a pre-conscious level is that the night before you had such a stonking erection that on the day in question you were unable to perform so instead you were fucked in the arse.
It can't be just me surely?
Didn't see her. That was the night when we got attacked by some nutter chucking bottles at us and I think we were deep in discussion of that as we went in (and in fact we picked it up again from the same point when we left five hours later), paying no attention to our surroundings, can't remember the entrance bit at all.