Thats more people than those who have mentioned Rousseau in this very thread!I've seen three different people mention Rousseau since Stan made this thread.
After having read it in paraphrases alome I’m finally finishing up the Second Discourse @thirdform, amazing how intuitive so many of the criticisms feel vis a vis a nascent leftist consciousness. Rousseau would have loved the Flux of Pink Indians. And how juicy the language and convincing the argument still appears, in so many guises as its repeated itself since, being that while the reversion is impossible and undesirable to those who would want to push modern freedom beyond itself, we haven’t exactly been able to prove him wrong. I’m pretty immune to the romanticism myself, and still don’t understand how such lamenting reverie for the intermediary Savage can follow up his exaltation of 18th c. Geneva with the latter seeming all that genuine
Have you read Burroughs' The Ticket That Exploded?this stuff is of course fine with the proviso that it is realised that all culture is in the final instance bourgeois (which is not a condemnation of its aesthetic merit.) even the cultures we romanticise such as jungle and football. the inverse of this is Fisherite romanticism for the BBC as incubator shaping the minds of the young generation (popular antimodernism?) and inane democratic chatter of pundits, the same defect which caused Fisher to become a spectacularly idiotic labourite cretin sexing up Russell Brand and for @craner to gravitate to blandly conformist statist zionism, two sides of the same coin.
Have you read Burroughs' The Ticket That Exploded?
yes, but Samuel Beckett's Murphy is better.
Fair enough.not really interested in American heroin casualties.
Fair enough.
Have you read the french lieutenants woman?
Well get into the thread then you slacker!
Can't believe I'm seriously contemplating reading it but it's fallen into my lap so I'm gonna give it a go. Looks truly awful in a good way.
No, I've read the collector though. Fowles is a great rushy prosist but his plot ideas are rote.