OK, we've had a slight break due to In Bloom changing hands, but now we're back on course and the next film night will take place there as usual on Weds 14th June. We welcome Rags who is now running the place and who is a cool guy who wants to support independent underground insane culture. Guest DJ Topotrip from Italy will spin soundtracks and more from seven-thirty.
Also, my technical associate Taras has put together this psick psychedelic promo video from clips of films we've shown so far - please check it out and spread it around, it's got the info for the night in there somewhere, plus it's just really fucking cool so send it to your friends and they might think you're cool too.
RIP Kenneth Anger, apparently Lucifer's rise ended a couple of days ago and the world lost one of the earliest pioneers of aggressively underground, genuinely visionary filmmaking. He was someone who blazed a trail that so many followed with spectacular results, and as I see it, he was the spiritual forefather of many of the filmmakers we show. Ultimately Anger was one of a handful of icons without whom this whole world of underground cinema which we celebrate every month would look very different indeed - and also I would have never bought that ace jacket!
Anyway, see you on the 14th of June you lucky lucky fools.
Also, my technical associate Taras has put together this psick psychedelic promo video from clips of films we've shown so far - please check it out and spread it around, it's got the info for the night in there somewhere, plus it's just really fucking cool so send it to your friends and they might think you're cool too.
RIP Kenneth Anger, apparently Lucifer's rise ended a couple of days ago and the world lost one of the earliest pioneers of aggressively underground, genuinely visionary filmmaking. He was someone who blazed a trail that so many followed with spectacular results, and as I see it, he was the spiritual forefather of many of the filmmakers we show. Ultimately Anger was one of a handful of icons without whom this whole world of underground cinema which we celebrate every month would look very different indeed - and also I would have never bought that ace jacket!
Anyway, see you on the 14th of June you lucky lucky fools.