LARPing and Violent Extremism


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LARPing as a defence in a court of law!

FBI investigates!

LARPing and Violent Extremism

only last week I had to explain the difference between cosplay and LARPing to a good friend

my example was:

"I, Sir William of Kent smite thee with my +10 broadsword" ( roll 3 6D + 10 THACH0 )


we're running around the woods in camo with fully automatic weapons with 'In Odin We Trust' patches but it's just make believe ( Bang! Bang! you're dead! )

but I can't believe that the FBI now have to produce a guide to distinguish militia groups from Gandalf fanboys

because "we were only pretending" while letting off SMGs....

Violent and criminal actors, particularly those involved in a conspiracy, could potentially make false claims, explaining that they were merely LARPing and not intending to follow through with an attack. For example, after Kaleb Franks was arrested in October 2020 for plotting to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, he told the FBI he and his compatriots were only LARPing.



Cat Malogen
After the 23page Star Trek cosplay bdsm dm circular I don’t know what could possibly top it

Paintballers aren’t to be trusted, this much i know to be true