Faces of the 20th Century


Void Dweller
what's this thread about? well, it's not meant to be a catalogue of faces styled in bygone fashion, nor of faces that have themselves gone "out of style" (as alan moore put it in watchmen), nor even of faces visibly affected by now-defunct living conditions (lead plates, constant secondhand smoke, bizarre jello entrees, etc.)—so much as, ideally, of the confluence of all three of those factors. maximum uncanniness.


Void Dweller
this is all i have so far


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Not just a century, but a specific decade: Chevy Chase had the definitive 80s face. Don't ask me to justify that.



cat malogen
The many faces of John Quade, ex-employee of JPL who (might’ve) attempted a run at political office once

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what's this thread about? well, it's not meant to be a catalogue of faces styled in bygone fashion, nor of faces that have themselves gone "out of style" (as alan moore put it in watchmen), nor even of faces visibly affected by now-defunct living conditions (lead plates, constant secondhand smoke, bizarre jello entrees, etc.)—so much as, ideally, of the confluence of all three of those factors. maximum uncanniness.

What the hell does that mean, and how does it affect the face?

Anyway, this is a potentially interesting thread, but why concentrate on 20th century faces? I suppose many more of them have been reliably recorded - catalogued even - but still I'd love to see a whole gallery with faces considered typical of various centuries.

There was a guy we'd see around at World Unknown and Puwaba and apropos of nothing dissensus' very own @graves* once memorably (at least to me and others present) said something along the lines of "Tobias has a timeless face that could fit in any age of era" - and we all immediately started imagining his head pulled off intact like a Lego man's and stuck on various bodies clad in the distinctive clothing of difference eras, after which we agreed he was right. Though I have no insight as to why.

*Has he deleted his account or something?


We don't have Jell-O here so I can only imagine.

But it's mad isn't it, you can find loads of old cook books and magazine articles filled with this weird alien food, and yet I don't know anyone who admits to having eaten it, or even knowing what it is.

Could it be - just a guess - that everyone who did eat that stuff is dead? I'm not necessarily saying that they just took a single swallow and dropped dead on the spot, but maybe as you say "a person’s skin begins to change color and decay" and then they die.


But you know what I mean, thode pics are from, what, the seventies? So people from the generation above me ought to be the main consumers of this stuff, but they seem as bemused as us when confronted with it. Maybe it truly is, as it appears to be, from another dimension altogether.


Well-known member
Updikes a good one and some of these are comical, I like old faces from a time when you couldn't decide whether to shave your eyebrows or not. Not quite as severr as some posted though.

Lizabeth Scott.jpegVictor Mature.jpegTight Spot.jpegPeter Lorre.jpegMargaret Lockwood.jpeg