Photography tips

Ian Scuffling

Well-known member
The thing I find myself most intimidated by is picking the actual film to use; are there any you'd recommend for someone currently wanting to take pictures of the east coast of Scotland?

I also haven't yet figured out how to use the built-in light meter, but I may just give up and use an app or something.


The thing I find myself most intimidated by is picking the actual film to use; are there any you'd recommend for someone currently wanting to take pictures of the east coast of Scotland?
you might fancy grainy black and white to catch scudding clouds or vibrant colour for puffins so get a few?

you can't switch between them by swiping like on a phone tho :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Look more than you photograph.

Also you could try writing down in words what you want to picture.

Look at old masters paintings of landscapes.

Think about different elements that comprise the landscape and how they might be arranged/captured eg sea, cliff, tree, sky, bird.

Then simple structural/composition things like rule of thirds and leading lines.

Colour contrasts and catching good light (dawn and dusk) plus suitable film stock (you want something "fast" if you are shooting outdoors in natural light).

Ian Scuffling

Well-known member
Figured out the light meter. Will keep you all posted on my progress. I'm big on the Hudson River School as far as landscape paintings, but my goal is to create images as evocative of Kelly Reichardt and Larry Gottheim, to name a few, as possible.