Ghetto House whatever you call it; DJ Assault, Traxman, Deeon etc


There are a load of songs I like in this genre however you calm it; Fuck Me On The Dance floor, Let Me Bang, that Every Freaking Day one.... basically all the obvious famous ones that you hear all the time.

Thing is, outside of those kinda things are there any other real poptastic bangers? It seens that whenever you see Assault play it's always pretty much the same safe stuff, I dunno if that's cos he's touring to other countries, unknown audiences etc so he goes with the classics, or is it cos there ain't any more good ones?

Talking with gf the other day when Suck It by Deeon followed by Balla In Yer Mouf by Tracman playing somewhere and she said I've heard all these tunes so many times...

And I had to agree. I can't think of the last time i heard something in that style that I didn't know and which was rocking... so which is it, are there only like forty tunes or am I totally missing out on all the good stuff? Hopefully the latter.

If so I would love you lot to introduce me to a load of stuff that I don't know but which is rough raw and funky and ideally which makes me laugh as childishly and gleefully as the first time I heard Dick By the Pound etc

Mr. Naga Pickle

Well-known member
Very possibly my favorite sort of house music! I'm lucky enough to live in a place where this stuff is still sort of popular! Here are a couple of tracks you're all but guaranteed to hear at any local jit type function:

A personal favorite I hear far less often than the above mentioned masterpieces:



Well-known member
I'm confused by this style.
so, the stuff @version posted last is that the same style (although the Mix-O-Rap _sorely_ needs some bottom end)? It reminds me more of the ghettotech mixes Assault used to do (prefer the stuff around that style)


Well-known member
I'm confused by this style.
so, the stuff @version posted last is that the same style (although the Mix-O-Rap _sorely_ needs some bottom end)? It reminds me more of the ghettotech mixes Assault used to do (prefer the stuff around that style)

I don't think it's the same style, but it's similar and I thought people who liked the other stuff might like it.


Thanks for tips guys, been away for Internet for few days hence lack of replies. I will definitely check em snd reply properly when i can so kerp em coming.


There's one I really dig, I got it for free when i bought another record in the same style. I have a feeling the seller may have actually been DJ Krime or somehow related to him anyway cos he chucked in a couple of records by him. This one ep has a tune called Ghetto Acid by DJ Krime and on the other side it has Ghetto Acid (DJ Krime remix) which is the one that is the nuts, whenever I play it people go bonkers, I think it's this one anyhow although it's mislabelled and doesn't say it's the remix



Last time I played this one pitched right down so as I could mix into the electro or whatever I was playing. Now thing is when you play something mad slow like that it kinda sounds weird to you cos you know it but to those in the crowd who maybe don't it just sounds normal. Anyway they went nuts, floor really went off, two people came over to look at the record although I think one girl was actually offended by the title strangely enough - or maybe she thought it was like a coded message to her...

Anyway, maybe next time I play the other side, also some other similar gear if it works slowed down.

In fact this is already at 33 instead of 45



This one I play a lot, not obscure though, when I saw Nina Kraviz play in Lisbon I had high hopes but her set was a real mess, the only tune I liked was this one
