iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature.
It's also a crowdsourced species identification system and an organism occurrence recording tool. You can use it to record your own observations, get help with identifications, collaborate with others to collect this kind of information for a common purpose, or access the observational data collected by iNaturalist users.
soulseek <3
I dropped off slsk when rapidshare and megaupload and "mp3 blogs" became a 'thing' - there was no one to judge me for my downloads, etc
Yeah, I never got on the P2P stuff. When I was downloading music I was using search engine audio results, blogs, YouTube rippers and Warez-BB.
Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy is the first scholarly research book about this underground subculture, which began life in the pre-internet era Bulletin Board Systems and moved to internet File Transfer Protocol servers (“topsites”) in the mid- to late-1990s. “The Scene,” as it is known, is highly illegal in almost every aspect of its operations. The term “Warez” itself refers to pirated media, a derivative of “software.” Taking a deep dive in the documentary evidence produced by the Scene itself, Warez describes the operations and infrastructures of an underground culture with its own norms and rules of participation, its own forms of sociality, and its own artistic forms. Even though forms of digital piracy are often framed within ideological terms of equal access to knowledge and culture, Eve uncovers in the Warez Scene a culture of competitive ranking and one-upmanship that is at odds with the often communalist interpretations of piracy.
Reads more like a Luka factit started as a dating app, hence the name ( true fact )
I am one of those people with links to the 'top sites'. It feels dirty, but also satisfying to have access to pretty much everything. Those are the sites where I spend a lot of my time online. Closed-off communities of people dedicated to one specific passion. The internet needs more of them. In a positive way (books, films, music). Not in a dark web way (drugs, murder, porn).I've worked with a few guys who had links to 'top sites"