Wich net browser do you use?


Well-known member
when i'm stuck somewhere and have to resort to the windows pcs in an internet cafe i find it hard to believe that i ever used internet explorer to achieve anything. its a bloody nightmare.

everyone knows its firefox all the way

here's two extras that you'll probably enjoy.

this is quite addictive, you can add common strings with wildcards to filter out parts of websites. so if those goole syndicated ads piss you off add a line to fliter anything containing *google.synd* or whatever. you can also choose to filter out a component from the menu when you right click on it.

customise google
google has been planning this for a while and with all the new content thier putting up its definitely needed.
but they havent got round to making it for IE...


Personnally i use Mozilla firefox and Opera i wudnt go neer Internet explorer not with the amount of pop-ups you get,Fire fox is kool i started to use it for a while but then i found Opera and iv had no problems with it.

Ness Rowlah

Norwegian Wood
Opera first and foremost. It's got the fastest rendering engine, I can't live without mouse gestures,
tabbed browsing, built-in pop-up blocker and Notes for a quick note without starting another app.

I also think Opera's security features are excellent and
the rare security bugs gets fixed within days.
Opera had anti-phishing built-in months before others.

I know you can get these things with Firefox as well - but they come default with Opera and Opera
brought them to market (first with RSS as well). In short it seems like Opera is the one
pushing the boat out to make it faster and easier to use the net.

Speed is the killer though (mouse gestures+faster engine).


I also use Firefox, but for one purpose only - mass MP3 downloads.
Add the Flashgot plugin and Free Download Manager and loading all
MP3 s from say from The Wire's MP3 section
is a breeze.

Explorer I only use when handrolling HTML to see if it looks OK.
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Firefox for me. Dunno how I managed without it. Only problem is I can't access my server via FTP - keeps telling me '530 identity not given'?! So I have to resort to IE when uploading files.


Bring out the vacuum
Ness Rowlah said:
I also use Firefox, but for one purpose only - mass MP3 downloads.
Add the Flashgot plugin and Free Download Manager and loading all
MP3 s from say from The Wire's MP3 section
is a breeze.
Yeah, gotta say this is pretty hot. I love the fact you can do the same in Thunderbird (Mozilla's email client), so if someone emails you a bunch of links you can chuck the suckers directly into FlashGet.

I try to avoid mouse use as I get a bit of RSI / OOS / whatever, so things like mouse gestures don't mean much to me.

Firefox lets you hit the / key to bring up find and then hit enter when you reach a link you can see, which I find pretty speedy if I'm trying to not use the mouse.



...but it's increasingly pissing me off these days
especially the 'downloads' thang, which is so clunky & hangs the whole browser all the time... :mad:
(e.g i'm just on a 800MB DL which i gots to use explorer ... no restart on moz :confused: :eek: :mad: :rolleyes: )
praps it's just my machine, i dunno?

just updated to 1.0.4 so mebbie that will improve things,
i shurely hope so coz otherwise i guess it's off to opera

Ness Rowlah

Norwegian Wood
sufi said:
...but it's increasingly pissing me off these days
especially the 'downloads' thang, which is so clunky & hangs the whole browser all the time... :mad:
(e.g i'm just on a 800MB DL which i gots to use explorer ... no restart on moz :confused: :eek: :mad: :rolleyes: )
praps it's just my machine, i dunno?

just updated to 1.0.4 so mebbie that will improve things,
i shurely hope so coz otherwise i guess it's off to opera

yeah I had that as well with 1.0.2&1.0.3.
I upgraded to 1.0.4 and updated the plugin as well and it seems to work a treat now.


New member
Firefox is tops.

I have a mac and you would think that Mac's own browser for 0S X, Safari, would be the best and the fastest. Not true, Firefox renders pages much faster, crashes less, has numerous extensions and is solid. I love the Mac. but their dismal failure on Safari makes me wonder.

Canada J Soup

Monkey Man
My experience is the exact opposite. Firefox runs frustratingly slow on my Mac compared to Safari...I also much really miss some of the keyboard shortcuts available on Safari when using Firefox (Cmd key + up or down arrows to tab all the way, Shift + Cmd + left or right arrows to move between tabs). On the other hand, the extensions in Firefox are amazingly useful and it doesn't seem to be as picky about loading certain sites as Safari (which apparently hates Friendster and Bank of America's account administration site).

So I leave both open at all times :)


K-Meleon for me, recommended for jaded Firefox users. It uses the Gecko engine, only runs on Windows, and is fast, light , and highly configurable. Most Firefox extensions can be reproduced using macros, and you can use a web filter to block ads. You have to fart around with it a bit to get the most out of it, but it pays off.
Canada J Soup said:
My experience is the exact opposite. Firefox runs frustratingly slow on my Mac compared to Safari...I also much really miss some of the keyboard shortcuts available on Safari when using Firefox (Cmd key + up or down arrows to tab all the way, Shift + Cmd + left or right arrows to move between tabs).

First off, there's no argument on the rendering speed. Comparing the current versions of both browsers, Firefox renders something like 15% - 30% faster than Safari. Almost unbelievable but quite true. Additionally Firefox is going to get better quicker due to extensibility. Apple are still denying developers an extension framework, meaning you have to hack the thing (cf. Pimp My Safari) to customize it.

Most Apple users maintain that the Firefox interface is un-Apple like. But it's precisely the format of their interface (XUL) that makes writing extensions a breeze. I've just written one in about 2 hours. So there's a reason it doesn't look like all your beautiful Cocoa applications: Firefox puts function (and the open source community) ahead of everything else.

I use it because it has the best Web Developer toolkit. You should use it because it makes the hyperweb quicker. Though they gotta sort out their GUI set. It's ugly.

Export your Safari bookmarks to Firefox.
Setup your quick keyword searches in Firefox.