Grime Thread


All things grimey...

I'll start - SLIME MOULDS! These things are amazing..


The myxomycota grow as a naked network of protoplasm, engulfing bacteria or other small food particles by phagocytosis. They are common in moist, organic-rich environments and especially on damp, rotten wood, where there is an abundance of bacteria as a food source. However, they are seldom seen in nature until they begin to sporulate, when they can produce conspicuous and brightly coloured fruiting bodies. These ripen to release masses of small, walled spores resembling fungal spores. For this reason, the slime moulds were once considered to be fungi.

At the onset of starvation, and in response to other environmental triggers, the plasmodium migrates to an aerial environment and converts to one or more fruiting structures termed sporangia (C-E). These usually are brightly coloured. Figure C shows the small fruiting structures of Physarum cinereum on a grass leaf.

Or, from wiki,

The cellular slime moulds or dictyostelids take the form of individual amoebae, but under stress aggregate to form a multicellular assembly called a pseudoplasmodium or slug. This migrates to a new location, then forms into a fruiting body, usually with a stalk formed from dead amoebae. Spores release new amoebae. Similar life-cycles are found among the acrasids, now known to be an unrelated group, and among the myxobacteria.

So basically they rock it alone until roadz is tuff & then band together when timez iz ruff! Feel me, blud?

And, for the uber nerdzzzz:

@ % You hit the slime mould. The slime mould dies!