FAO: LEEDS & SURROUNDING... Distinction Presents HYBRID


Well-known member



Well-known member
shit man, sorry i didnt get down to your last night distinction, something came up.

unfortunately i cant make it to this one either, i have a gig with one of my bands, diseased maggotectomy(google us :], although the stuff on the web aint that great, but we now have a human drummer!! (me)) on that night...

i really hope this stuff continues, qithout any doubt ill be down to a night in leeds before long.

Noah Baby Food

Well-known member
this will be good. the Fav's a nice swanky venue too, with a fine selection of fruity ales.

Distinc'...I ain't forgotten ya. Friday brother, all will be sorted, trust....


Trent End
went to the fav when i was up in leeds about 3 or 4 weeks ago to see the long blondes. it's fucking classy, i loved it.

kept blowing out the candle when i leant over to speak to my mate though :/

alas, i am stranded in cambridge with a fancy dress pub quiz