Ruth Kelly is not the problem
I sent this to various media in the UK today. Not one reply. You know why
start of letter
I am 46. I was subjected to abuse as a child, in Catholic Boarding Schools, in the so called 'swinging 60s'. There were many children like me. The Irish Government and Catholic Church tried to buy our silence, by putting up a fund of 258 million punts, with an expiry date set for Dec. 15 2005.
That date has passed, and I have not applied. Why?
Because it is a cop-out. The issue is much deeper than the media have ever alluded to, partly because the media, and the establishment, are implicated, in how they seek control people, and protect their obscene wealth by re-inforcing dysfunctional stereotyoes, in advertising and editorial.
It is a fact, though from reading your paper, and many others, one might assume otherwise, that all human dysfunction arises from one unassailable factor, and that is the adverse conditioning of children by adults, who themselves are mostly unaware of their own adverse conditioning, in such a way that the childs knowing of themselves as innately joyous and loving beings, in an innately functioning environment is destroyed.
That is the issue. Are you williing to face it?
end of letter
Furthermore :
The picture, painted by various forms of mass media, by religions and ideologies of people as selfish, competitive and insecure, posing as creative art, is what they feed us daily. That is what our children become, if we hand them over to their ministrations. And sadly, many of us do,
No, it does not surprise me that the media and establishment do what they do, and seek to justify it. That is the way of the dysfunctional. It does however stir a great anger, for they have been informed by those who know, by people like Alice Miller, Carl Rogers, Monbiot, Chomsky to name a few, and by many, many others who have communicated with them and with the various departments of government, local and national, who ought to be looking after our interests, and the interests of our children, on our behalf, (for that is after all their stated role, to communicate on our behalf, and for government to collect resources - taxes - then to and to use them on our behalf) down through the years. And they have steadfastly ignored them. The result? A world of horror upon horror. A world where nuclear power, civil or military is the only option. A point of no return, indeed. A world where abuse of children is the basis for 'civilisation'.
So be it. Unless of course it does not have to be that way. And it doesn't, does it? That's why we are communicating, working day in, day out to create the change.