so i saw dizzee with newham gens last night.
newham gens were up first. it was a proper set rather than a rave set, and they played a fair few new tunes, like wet pum pum, along with a few older ones like prang man. as an aside, someone needs to give d double a biscuit. man's thin.
anyway, then dizzee came on and just rinsed the hits... fix up look sharp, jus' a rascal, i luv u, stand up tall, sirens. then for at the end the newham gens came back on and the three of them did a 45 minute rave set. dizzee barely touched mic during this time though, and just spat the lyrics from the aptly titled "wasteman." d double really owns the best rave bars doesn't he? tubby did keep it nice and grimey though, which was nice.
apart from the disappointing lack of quickfire dizzee madness i was expecting from the rave set, it was a good show. during the regular set you can see why dizzee rose up from the grime scene. he's just a cut above the rest when it comes to doing actual tracks and performing them. semtex did nothing to justify his prescence, just meaningless scratches over the top of the dizzee set. anyone know what the link is between the two of them? semtex does not strike me as a particularly talented dj...