Spectres of Mark
The point that Badiou and Zizek have forcefully made, using numerous examples, is that the only way that emancipatory politics can be articulated is through a concept of the universal... no nations, no ethnicities, no sexualities.... So that, incredibly, St Paul becomes the key figure for a conceptualization of militancy:
'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female.' (Gal, 3.28)
'There is nothing more captive, so far as commericial investment is concerned, nothing more amenable to the invention of new figures of monetary homogeneity, than a community and its territory or territories. The semblance of a non-equivalence to itself can constitute a process. What inexhaustible potential for mercantile investments in this upsurge - taking the form of communities, demanding recognition and so-called cultural singularities - of women, homosexuals, the disabled, Arabs! And those infinite combinations of predicative traits, what a godsend! Black homosexuals, disabled Serbs, Catholic pedophiles, moderate Muslims, married priests, ecologist yuppies, the submissive unemployed, prematurely aged youth! Each time, a social image authorizes new products, specialized magazines, improved shopping malls, 'free' radio stations, targeted advertising networks, and finally heady 'public debates' at peak viewing times.' (Saint Paul, 10)
'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female.' (Gal, 3.28)
'There is nothing more captive, so far as commericial investment is concerned, nothing more amenable to the invention of new figures of monetary homogeneity, than a community and its territory or territories. The semblance of a non-equivalence to itself can constitute a process. What inexhaustible potential for mercantile investments in this upsurge - taking the form of communities, demanding recognition and so-called cultural singularities - of women, homosexuals, the disabled, Arabs! And those infinite combinations of predicative traits, what a godsend! Black homosexuals, disabled Serbs, Catholic pedophiles, moderate Muslims, married priests, ecologist yuppies, the submissive unemployed, prematurely aged youth! Each time, a social image authorizes new products, specialized magazines, improved shopping malls, 'free' radio stations, targeted advertising networks, and finally heady 'public debates' at peak viewing times.' (Saint Paul, 10)