Liberal Creationism, or: Yippee, It’s Bell-Curve Time Again!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Looking back I did gleefully pounce on this the first time around.

Have us Dissensus old-timers exhausted all our chat? I remember nomad saying something about us all being like old married couples who finish each other sentences, and of course *that* was years ago now...


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Quote Originally Posted by matt b View Post
I don't think putting it in capitals makes what you say more believable. Frankly, it makes you look like nomadologist.

Have you ever read Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond?

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22-11-2007, 01:08 PM #62
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oh fuck off


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if you want to know whos dodgy on dissensus this thread will tell you all you need to know.

its also interesting to me that poeple who pride themselves on their iq (nerds) are always the dumbest people in the room. think back to school. its the absence of contextual awareness. of seeing gestalt. the nerd the high iq individual always has tunnel vision.


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my iq level is under 100. but im the cleverest on dissensus
i dont think anyone would disupute that claim. i cant do maths like vimothy, or physics like mr tea, or statistics like barty, or read books like craner, and yet i am the cleverest with an iq in the 80s. gestalt. field of vision.

a lot of this is to do with if you are a domesticated animal. you are a domesticated animal if you respond to basic carrot and stick training methods. people who did well at school are people who were trained like animals. nerds were trained like animals and took pride in their ability to jump through hoops.


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we've got a terrible problem with nerds at the moment. nick lands twitter stinks of clearsil and wank tissues and hes telling everyone how clever he is and how iq is some kind of be all and end all and its just sad. burn this to the ground. mixed biscuits talking about iq and then he comes out with trump cant be racist hes mates with kanye. wtf. i never met a high iq person who was good company, why, becasue they are thick. theres too much nuance in conversation, it requires too much intelliegence.


Beast of Burden
I've never taken an IQ test, but I suspect I would score badly. I was always a bit useless at those verbal reasoning tests we did at school.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The true measure of intelligence, according to Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is whether or not you insist on red wine with your steak

And Taleb should know - his surname literally means 'scholar', how brainiac is that?!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The funny thing is, Luke is one of the biggest nerds I've ever met. He just doesn't realize it, or chooses not to realize it, because he's a nerd about culture rather than one of the limited list of things he thinks it's possible to be a nerd about (science and technology, primarily, but also economics, history and anything to do with war - vim's bag, basically).


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My jaw's dropped a number of times recently reading luka's posts, so I'm totally on board saying he's the smartest.

In many ways luka's the anti-barty. I'm a nerd, he's an aesthete. I'm derivative, he's original. I'm a cog in The System, a willing servant to The Man, Luka's a psychic terrorist, a situationist, and aesthetic vigilante.

I'm politically pro intellectualism, but culturally anti-intellectual, whereas luka's all cultured but his political views are like something from an issue of the Invisibles.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Nice try but doomed to failure

You trying to tell me there's nothing even a bit nerdy about a thread titled "method acting/role play supercedes irony as cultural strategy"?

But I dunno, maybe you're right - you are good at seeing the bigger picture, certainly, and perhaps a basic definition of a nerd might be someone who enjoys, and excels at, getting into the details of things.